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Option to favorite/categorize/mark items in backpack

Feb 08, 2012

I have several suggestions which I think would greatly benefit the entire community and make our lives easier.

1. Option to favorite items in the backpack so they always pop-up first in the inventory without having to search for them.
2. Option to mark the items with a tag (something similar with how we have friend symbols).
3. Option to create custom, or preset categories, in our backpack and be able to put items in them. (Examples like support gear, tank gear, damage gear, pvp gear, energy gear), maybe we could also have symbols next to the category names.

Now, I know gear sets exist, don't get me wrong. However, I just feel like the backpack look itself is not easy on the eyes when you have so much gear to carry with you. The slightest of details to organize your gear would make such a big difference. I would love to see at least one of these features be implemented.

Many thanks,