Really ninja should be a spell. KI do you have any idea how many players really want ninja pig to be a spell. People that are not myth also want it as a spell and i suggest it should be a spell for completing mooshu. You guys HAVE NO IDEA HOW UNDERPOWERED myths are against monsters (PvE) seriously. Minotaur long setup and its a double attack. Same with orthrus. Cyclops is our only one attack spell that doesnt even hit 400 without boosts. Really dont you guys think that ninja pig should be a spell. I am starting a peteition all those in favor of ninja pig being a spell should say this because it is so irritating for myth to have the hardest quests from teacher so i say NINJA PIG SHOULD BE A SPELL. Ok KI lets see how many people agree with me.
Not trying to offend you OR your message, but Ninja Pig IS a spell, and it's a very special one. Um, and next time before getting mad and stuff. You might wanna check the Wizard101 Wiki. Here's the website page to see it:
It has to be a real spell to be learned from beating mooshu at least. Not a treasure card. Every other school has there spells that are treasure cards and also name one single attack spell in myth that does over 500 without boosts.
Ninja pig is a treasure card, but it should be an actual spell. All of myth attacks take long to set up. You can never show off, like in storm. Earthquake for example, has a very long set up, you might as well use humongofrog. Myth is way underpowered, I agree. :x