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New World

Dec 19, 2009
I have an idea for a new world, called, Ravenhowl, the former area of Ravenwood School. And for the first time, there are quests that require a certain school.Also, Ravenhowl would have one of all the school minerals that would just charge the player with the kind of school magic the mineral is from.Players could even choose a thing known as a "Destiny path" and there would be several of them.Each one would lead down a diffrent Journey, and the path the player chooses would make them go through a diffrent line of quests, and one destiny path would lead to more.Here's a list of the paths and what they would lead to.

| |
Selflessness Heartlessness
| | Loyalty Disloyalty
Cleverness Reckless | |
| | Warrior Fearless Coward
| |
Diplomat Warlord Destroyer Peacemaker

For aggression, you make it up.And the player would go onto a path by doing a certain quest.And now, 101 microphones!Microphones made especially for Wizard101, so people could talk without text.You don't have to make it, and if there's something in it you don't want to make but you like the rest, you could just leave that part out.Oh, one more thing, players choose a path after they obtain the mineral of their school.If you want to make it, take all the time you need, i don't mind.I hope you make it. If you can't read part of it, i'll just send you that one drawn.See ya!