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New Wizards!

Nov 12, 2009
Okay, any ideas for a different species to be able to play as in the game?
Maybe some Marleybone dogs, Manders, Goats, etc. Just tossing some ideas out there! :)
Say some of your ideas, too! I want to see you people think outside the box, unlike me. I have a small imagination, so excuse my unoriginal ideas.
There wouldn't be a species war like in WoW, so don't even start on that topic. :)

Sep 14, 2009
I'd like to be able to play as those bulky wolves in mirkholm keep, or those skinny wolves with daggers. or a wildclaw. maybe those fierce looking bear warriors like the ones guarding the spiral gate and the castle.

I'd also like to play as a draconian, but there are like, three different draconian designs. also, one of those warriors in dragonspyre that, whenever they slash their swords you can faintly see a dragon spirit head.

I'd even want to be an oni/helephant/gurtok, or those horse swordsmen in mooshu that look faintly similar to diego.

but then kingsisle would have to make designs for all of the equipment for these different species. but it could also be interesting because certain species could have certain restrictions with the equipment. I mean, I don't think an oni/helephant/gurtok would be able to put on a small pair or boots like wizards wear.

if they were able to make this possible it would probably take quite a while.