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New Treasure Card making sigil idea

Feb 11, 2011
So I have an idea. What if we could buy a crown shop item (2,000 crowns maybe) that makes treasures cards from our spells? The machine in the game we would go up to it. On one side is our spells we use. We can keep clicking right or left to scroll through our spells or make it pages of 4-8 spells per page and flip through the pages. The other side is treasure cards. I’m not that lazy, though I would love to just make treasure cards of tempest quickly and in a lot of numbers. What if we treasure card enchant our spells in this machine and make our life easier. For example if we would want to make 50 gargantuan Tempests, we could do it in a few seconds. We will still need to buy enchants so it will make it into a treasure card. Though, this would be a great idea and make life easier. I use treasure cards so frequently and I run out sometimes. I would love to make a ton of treasure card spells in a few seconds to increase productivity rather than have to battle, put in 8 spells. Then flee or hit and have to do it again and again and again.

Does anyone think this would be a great idea?
Do you guys have any changes you would want to add?

Alexander ThunderBane: Level 130
Alexander StormBane: Level 130
Alexander Rainbow: Level 100

Nov 22, 2008
So, to clarify, you want to have a machine that converts enchant treasure cards you have, like 50 colossal TC, into TC versions of a spell you have.

When I first read this, I thought the goal was to replace current TC crafting. The caviats I would have to put on this, personally, is that they can't be tradable or usable in crafting, just like if you sent and converted them all by hand.

Dec 20, 2008
You can buy some tc cloaks from the auction and do that. You can't do it with attacking spells though. I use it for Feints or Virulent Plague in case I really need one.

Feb 11, 2011
The idea is that if you have any tc enchants to put on a normal spell. The machine makes them a treasure card version of the enchant you. Instead of going into battle and only tc enchant a few at a time. The machine allows you to tc enchant by more bulk. For example, the arcanum sells gargantuan treasure card enchants. Used to put on a spell for a treasure card and could save it for another time to quick pull. The machine allows you to make more t a in bulk quicker, rather then going into battle and having to flee and restart over and over.