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New Emotes

Jul 22, 2012
I use emotes quite a bit, and had this idea for a long time: Multiplayer emotes! here are some ideas or examples:
1: 2 player high five
2: 2 player bro hug (maybe different name though?)
3: 2-4 player dances
I also have ideas for emotes I thought would be good for those who sit in the commons all day: sitting! maybe have different poses like cross legged, or sitting on knees?
Another idea I have are prop emotes. I mean actual items: here's some examples.
1: playing a guitar/flute/other instrument
2: juggling a fireball. maybe the fireball could be school based, like a ice chunk for ice?
3: magical chair (I guess this would be part of sitting)
4: coin flip

- OwO approved