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My list of ideas for new spells

May 16, 2009
first: storm- shockwave: does 50, 200 or 500 damage to all enemies, lvl requirment: 40, quest only accuracy- 65%, 6 pips
second: life- full heal: heals 500 to all friendlies, lvl requirment: 50, quest only accuracy- 90%, 5 pips
third: star- black hole: takes out half of enemies health, does not work on enemies with odd numbers,celestia only, accuracy- 30 %, 8 pips
fourth: balance - deflect: deflects the next damaging spell to do half of the damage that was intended for you, quest only, accuracy-55% lvl 50, 3 pips
fifth: Fire- eruption: randomly targets an enemy to do damage (350 - 500), lvl 46, can be learned by normal means, accuracy 65%, 6 pips
sixth idea: myth- mind break: targets a random enemy and dispells next spell(only works if 2 or more enemies present) 100- 150 damage, lvl 45, can be learned through normal means, accuracy 80%, 5 pips
seventh: ice- hurricane, creates a HUGE storm that does a large amount of damage, must know blizzard to use, 500 - 750 damage, lvl 52, accuracy 70%, 8 pips, quest only
final idea: death- siphon deflection: take an enemies health(100 - 200 damage) and deal twice the damage(200 - 400) for a double attack. requires all other steal and heal spells. accuracy 65%, lvl 60, quest only
P.S. do you think we should be able to fuse spells fora the duration for a battle? for instance: fuse minotaur plus centaur equals a triple attack, the card with most unique properties keeps the properties, so it would do 80, then 440, i think, then 880(twice damage) :-D