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Music at your homes

May 25, 2009
It would be a great idea if we were allowed to download our own music at our homes that we can listen to while we were there. Then when you invited people over for a party, you would actually have one.Do you think this could ever happen in the near future?

Feb 05, 2010
I think there will be music. But we will not download them. KI will maybe make a list of music from all around the spiral. Like Marleybone. If we have a city theme we could put on marleybone music! We could also have Dragonspire music! Please KI consider this as a part of our castles!
Lucas Drakebloom Ice wizard level 28
Hero of Krokotopia

Feb 27, 2009
I always like music when I'm playing on the weekend. But they probably wouldnt, especially if other players can hear it, too. Well, I mean, knowing we all listen to different music, there are some songs that some feel innapropriate, like some with bad words or just the theme of the song might seem bad. Since there are different age groups playing, I'm not sure many parents would allow their kids listening to random music. KI likes keeping it a family-friendly game, so I dont think they'd aprove. But otherwise, I like it ! But you can also listen to your music on a radio or just on youtube