Hullo Starlight As more dances have been added to the game, I would very much like to see a wider variety in the types of dances that are added - some such as ballet, waltzes, and tangos would be splendidly elegant! Most dances seem to be dance-club like, and as for myself, that is not quite my speed.
I would also like to add, that the "Clap" emote should be added to the list of possible Victory dances to choose from after a battle. At the moment, it currently stands as my favourite dance.
I think we need more emotes in general as well. I'm hoping for like a floating emote, a spell casting emote, a smile and wink, polymorph emotes, as well as some new dances. Also, I would like to see our wizards blink, walk, and eat.
It would depend, especially in a low graphic video game such as this, that was made for the older computers. I doubt its possible, as its not like that in other games like minecraft and roblox too
Hey sparck, what happen to the glitched dances not being released still? Emotes like the chicken dance (founded by defeating the golem guy in golem tower) the shes turning right around typing emote, as well as the emote that shows up when you defeat the pig in spiral cup gauntlet