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More Mutations

Nov 11, 2009
So basically, i think that all spells would look cool as other schools. So i'm suggesting that KI could make special, star spells that would enable the player to change the school of the spell. Like the mutation spells would be the normal card and description, but with the title, Fire, Ice, Life... etc. Lets say your ice against ice and forgot all your prisms, you could use the fire sun spell on lets say, Snow Angel, and the snow angel would turn into a fire spell and animation would change. Instead of coming from the clouds, the angel would be coming from a volcano and would be red not white, and instead of clouds he and the pegasus are on, it would be lava. well you get the idea, leave feedback! i wanna see if this could happen lol

Apr 29, 2012
IceyWaterWarrior12... on Dec 28, 2013 wrote:
So basically, i think that all spells would look cool as other schools. So i'm suggesting that KI could make special, star spells that would enable the player to change the school of the spell. Like the mutation spells would be the normal card and description, but with the title, Fire, Ice, Life... etc. Lets say your ice against ice and forgot all your prisms, you could use the fire sun spell on lets say, Snow Angel, and the snow angel would turn into a fire spell and animation would change. Instead of coming from the clouds, the angel would be coming from a volcano and would be red not white, and instead of clouds he and the pegasus are on, it would be lava. well you get the idea, leave feedback! i wanna see if this could happen lol
Mutate Efreet - Turn Efreet into Ice Efreet.
Mutate Angel - turn Snow Angel into Lava Angel.
Mutate Leviathan - turn Leviathan into Mythic Eel.
Mutate Medusa - turn Medusa into Thunder Gorgon.
Mutate Lord - turn Forest Lord into Graveyard Lord.
Mutate Dragon - turn Skeletal Dragon into Lively Dragon.
Mutate Ra - turn Ra into Spiritual Ra.

What do you think?

Nov 11, 2009
Blaze Sandblade on Dec 29, 2013 wrote:
Mutate Efreet - Turn Efreet into Ice Efreet.
Mutate Angel - turn Snow Angel into Lava Angel.
Mutate Leviathan - turn Leviathan into Mythic Eel.
Mutate Medusa - turn Medusa into Thunder Gorgon.
Mutate Lord - turn Forest Lord into Graveyard Lord.
Mutate Dragon - turn Skeletal Dragon into Lively Dragon.
Mutate Ra - turn Ra into Spiritual Ra.

What do you think?
yeah more or less but mainly what im trying to say is that they should make sun spells named Fire, Ice, Storm ,Life, Myth, Death and Balance. So if i have "Storm" i could use it on a snow angel and make it a storm spell just as easily as i could make it myth or fire or any other school. Think of them as Wild Cards in Uno

Apr 29, 2012
Blaze Sandblade on Dec 29, 2013 wrote:
Mutate Efreet - Turn Efreet into Ice Efreet.
Mutate Angel - turn Snow Angel into Lava Angel.
Mutate Leviathan - turn Leviathan into Mythic Eel.
Mutate Medusa - turn Medusa into Thunder Gorgon.
Mutate Lord - turn Forest Lord into Graveyard Lord.
Mutate Dragon - turn Skeletal Dragon into Lively Dragon.
Mutate Ra - turn Ra into Spiritual Ra.

What do you think?
Lava Angel - 7 pips, fire, 750 damage over time & stun to all enemies, 75% acc.

Mythic Eel - 7 pips, myth, 100+591 damage over time & -1 positive ward, 80% acc.

Thunder Gorgon - 7 pips, storm, 950 damage & stun, 70% acc.

Graveyard Lord - 7 pips, death, 50+600 damage over time to all enemies, 85% acc.

Lively Dragon - 7 pips, life, 90+900 damage over time, 90% acc.

Spiritual Ra - 7 pips, balance, 170 myth, life & death damage to all enemies, 85% acc.

Each of these is the opposite to the school using them, so they're helpful in a fight against your own school.

Aug 26, 2012
I like this idea and I was kinda of a little sad when the only ones I can use are Fire Wvyvern and Thunder bird. Plus they are not really that useful on Avalon This would be spell names:

Thundershock- turn any damage spell into damage

Freeze- turn any damage spell into damage

Burn- turn any damage spell into damage

Chill- turn any damage spell into damage

Curiosity- turn any damage spell into damage

Liveliness- turn any damage spell into damage

Balance need- turn any damage spell into damage

Giant Burn- turn any damage spell into damage

Phase change- turn any damage spell into damage

Constellation- turn any damage spell into damage

Invisible- turn any damage spell into shadow damage (of course this might not be implemented considering shadow doesn't have a damage yet)

Hope you like my ideas

Apr 29, 2012
IceyWaterWarrior12... on Dec 29, 2013 wrote:
yeah more or less but mainly what im trying to say is that they should make sun spells named Fire, Ice, Storm ,Life, Myth, Death and Balance. So if i have "Storm" i could use it on a snow angel and make it a storm spell just as easily as i could make it myth or fire or any other school. Think of them as Wild Cards in Uno
That's a good idea, but KI would not only have to think of a few more spells from mutations. They would have to take all of the current Ravenwood spells and times it by six! Let's just go with the ones that everyone can learn. There's 9 for each school, 9X7=63. 63X6=378! Then they would have to think of animations for them as well as names. Then there's also a ton of other spells that equal out to about 700 spells, animations and what the spell would actually do! I don't think that it will be an idea to ever be implemented.

Oct 18, 2009
if it worked like prisms then i could see this happening. Though I can see this quickly becoming a no pvp spell since it would become a way to get around school specific sheilds.

Aug 26, 2012
Blaze Sandblade on Dec 31, 2013 wrote:
That's a good idea, but KI would not only have to think of a few more spells from mutations. They would have to take all of the current Ravenwood spells and times it by six! Let's just go with the ones that everyone can learn. There's 9 for each school, 9X7=63. 63X6=378! Then they would have to think of animations for them as well as names. Then there's also a ton of other spells that equal out to about 700 spells, animations and what the spell would actually do! I don't think that it will be an idea to ever be implemented.
So there are 378 schools in Ravenwood? Without the spell quests? And even more if we include astrals? Well I thought all spells were going to be the same, same damage, effect, only changing color. But even with this I think its too much programming, but it would give people who have trouble with there own school bosses a huge advantage. About the pvp post? Yea this probably should stay out of pvp area

Apr 29, 2012
Luke Skysleeper on Jan 1, 2014 wrote:
So there are 378 schools in Ravenwood? Without the spell quests? And even more if we include astrals? Well I thought all spells were going to be the same, same damage, effect, only changing color. But even with this I think its too much programming, but it would give people who have trouble with there own school bosses a huge advantage. About the pvp post? Yea this probably should stay out of pvp area
No, there aren't 378 spells in Ravenwood. There are only 63, but if you can change these into all the other Ravenwood schools, there are 6 other schools, and 6X63 is 378

Aug 26, 2012
Blaze Sandblade on Jan 3, 2014 wrote:
No, there aren't 378 spells in Ravenwood. There are only 63, but if you can change these into all the other Ravenwood schools, there are 6 other schools, and 6X63 is 378
Oops that makes more since. So counting astrals, it would be 346 spells so in total it would be 724 spells! Almost a thousand! Maybe exclusively 6 pips higher which would be 42 spells. In addition, that means this will happen:

Storm is the only one who gets ever version off Triton

Cold Triton

Fire Triton

Judge Triton

Lively triton

Ghostly triton

Mythical Triton

Giant Triton

Changing triton

Constellation Triton

Ice is the only one who gets:

Fire Mammoth so on with every school.

It wouldn't be as much so the difference would be 682 spells! This is a huge difference. So maybe this could work?