I know this has been a frustration I've seen others talk about in the past, and I want to bring it back up again because after sending KingsIsle a request email...I was ignored. So I'm hoping I can draw a little attention here.
I have been playing Wizard101 and Pirate101 since 2012. Back then I was young and made a username I no longer desire. I could go through the process of making a new account and paying for both accounts to have a membership so I could transfer...but my wizard and pirate are on two separate accounts and we are only allowed one transfer as a "curtesy". Plus, my family is filled with abandoned accounts and I'm not given permission to remove, or delete the accounts. I requested that they change my username, but as I mentioned I was ignored. Every other game I have ever played allows players to change their username, either for free with time restrictions, or by paid name change. Way back when I played a game called Animal Jam, the only other game I ever played that didn't do this, I sent them an email for the same thing and they said I was allowed to change it once and changed it for me. I would like some kind of equal solution here...instead of being stuck with a username I hate that makes no sense forever.