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Mixing Greek with Norse

Feb 06, 2010
Why are we getting Aquila related stuff in the Grizzleheim pack?
Grizzleheim is based on Norse Mythology. Aquila is based on Greek Mythology.

Zeus would be Odin in Norse. I know we never met "Odin" in the Spiral, but we also never met Thor, and that is the name of a new spell. Why not name it "Mijolnir's Hammer"? This item is already a hammer from Grizzleheim (unless we plan to see Thor at some point.) We already met Zeus, Hades, Cronus, Poseidon, Apollo, Baba Yaga, and many other real Myth names.

DON'T GET ME WRONG: I love the Norse/Greek stories being implemented, but either do it all the way or don't do it at all. Don't half it.

Anyway, the point of this is to ask why the spears have Greek god item cards in a Norse pack.