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Making Packs Better

Nov 22, 2008
Hey! I know everyone gets kinda underwhelmed by the pack filler in the packs. I know I do.

I propose that future packs have changes to these "filler" items.

Very few of the reagents are useful to us at all and even fewer of the snacks are. To address this, I would suggest reagents always drop in bundles of 10, 20, 50, or 100. This would actually give us a reason to be excited for the reagents in the packs. To address snacks, I'd ask to look at the snacks which have few acquisition methods and add them to the packs. Rare things should be in the packs. In the case of lore packs, new pet snacks should be introduced to explain more about that world. It doesn't make sense to get the same gear and housing items across the spiral, and the same can be said of snacks.

Housing items, I actually feel are good, but I see the same ones too often. I propose expanding the housing items, but limiting how often certain ones repeat based on how often they are used in housing tours. This would make packs a viable source of items for a new decorator to get started.

With respect to gear, pets and mounts, I feel that there should be few pets in packs at all. They cause clutter and are hard to get rid of easily, especially if they are no sell pets. Mounts and pets should all drop more often than gear, though, and gear should rarely repeat in Lore packs. Hoard packs should feel like you are sifting through the hoard and not hoarding. They should give you gear and more often than lore packs do but fewer mounts and pets. Of course as you sift through the hoard you'll find bundles of reagents and unique snacks along the way, but there should be something to distinguish the kinds of packs other than housing items and spells.

Lastly I want to address spellemental packs. Until now they felt fine, but when the Celestian Spellemental pack released, that added spells that required spellements which can only be purchased. However, less than 10% of the packs I opened of that set contained spellements, much less spellements of the spell I am seeking. Even if spellement drops are fewer, spellemental packs should have at least a 50% chance to drop 1 spellement. Otherwise, it feels like false advertising.

If I ignore packs, I am personally pretty satisfied with my experience playing. I want packs to contribute to the game and FEEL useful and like they contribute to the story KI is telling. Right now, they just give us more stuff to mess around with and not even the stuff we want.