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Make Your Own Spell

Feb 01, 2009
arlynine wrote:
Hi i have one for balance

Balance School
Costs 5 pips
Name - (can't really think of a name, but if you can, please post reply)
Damage - 800 - 1200
Visual - The student of balance, who cast it, appears in the circle, but it isn't actually the student but a more balanced version, the look-a-like turns into a master balance ninja (or if you think of something cooler) and attacks the enemy.
Level - 50 balance only
:) :-) :D :( :-o 8) :x :?

i have a good name for it. how about twisted image
paul fireward, master pyromancer

Feb 01, 2009
flame5789 wrote:
I'm back

Here's a good 1

name:Final countdown
damage:0-3000 for 3 rounds

you know actually that is a pretty smart spell
but the damage should be 0-1000
because 3000 seems a little unfair in pvp
and what element is it?
paul fireward, master pyromancer

Dec 21, 2008
Here is another one!

Super Ghoul

School: Death

Damage: 500 convert back to team mates

Looks: A normal ghoul pops up, then, HE TURNS GIANT! Sucks the health out, and gives it to friends! :D

Blake LionFlame


Hunter ShadowSong

( Now in ds! )

Feb 15, 2009
Here is a spell I made:

Name: Celephant



Accurancy: 80%

Damage: same as helephant

lvl to get: 50

Mar 13, 2009
ok here is mine


damage: 800-900

it like a death orthrus with three heads

Jan 28, 2009
minime101 wrote:
Name:leafed dragon
collar:green and black
how attacks:flyes in the air then it blowes green fire at the apponit will lose 1000-1500 life. Then the dragon spits out the fire at you and you get healed. Then after you heal the players shieds go to you and you gang 3 pips.
(the pips are gold)

I think this spell is awesome

Apr 28, 2009
i have a few, okay one for each school with a ton of info :P hey all cost 8 pips. wait, i will do the second half in another message. mom isnt giving me enough time to finish lol...

power of life:
type: healing
appearance: a giant chartreuse ferret comes out of a swirly green vortex, with solid neon green eyes, a glittery green toga with gold trim, and a gold tiara with jade jewels. she is still in the vortex from the waist up.
effect: eliminates all auras on the user's party, fully restores all the players on the user's party, and revives and fully restores anyone KO'd on blah blah blah, providing they havent run off for potions. in PVP this is removed from your deck as it would be cheating. unlike rebirth you dont get spirit armor. drat.
school: life
accuracy: 100

death curse:
type: uhh. offense?
appearance: a lot like the ferret from power of life except she is albino and the color of her clothes is different. the crown is silver with onyx gems and the vortex is black. her toga is black with red trim.
effect: doesnt do any damage, but the next turn all the bosses and enemies you're battling are immediately defeated. it's removed from your deck in PVP for VERY obvious reasons.
school: obvious (death)
accuracy: 100, but against malistaire the acc. drops by half. but each time it fizzles it get 10% more acc. ha!

master of myth:
type: offense/gamble
appearance: a battling centaur, minotaur, and wraith.
effect: the monsters mentioned above are battling. one monster will be immediately defeated, making the chance minotaur will win 50%. (providing he didn't get KO'd.) if he does a random player in the user's party will be selected as master of myth. then there is a random chance of either harpy or medusa. medusa will stun all enemies for 5 turns and harpy will take 500 health from each enemy and give each player 500 health depending on how many enemies or players there are. (this is a 4v4 example.) due to the complete randomness you can use this in pvp.
accuracy: random, from 10 to 100. don't you just love surprises?

bye bye, i will be posting the others tomorrow.

wait theres more about power of life, against the jade oni the accuracy decreases by 50 but gains ten percent each time you fizzle! last laugh!

May 10, 2009
Another spell!
Dragon Titan.
It shows DS. Then that world goes boom! A giant titan comes, and the titan army comes to destroy MooShu, MarleyBone, and Krok. It then destroys the rest of the sprial. Then everyone becomes slaves. And a draconian burns the enemy and the others.

Jun 06, 2009
Ok here is mine

Name: Judgement (remade)

School: Balance

Type: Offensive

Chance: 50%

Effect: Does 175 damage per pip to the enemy, if it fizzles, deals half the damage to the user.

There you go, a truely Balanced Judgement.

Apr 28, 2009
Valrok wrote:
Ok here is mine

Name: Judgement (remade)

School: Balance

Type: Offensive

Chance: 50%

Effect: Does 175 damage per pip to the enemy, if it fizzles, deals half the damage to the user.

There you go, a truely Balanced Judgement.
no offense but that isnt such a good idea. theres a fifty fifty chance of you taking damage yourself, and who would want THAT!

Dec 14, 2008
heh heh HEH awesome death spells

name: death-hood
effect:85 life steal per pip
hang effect:none

death hood looks the freaky mobs in dragonspyre called soul-servants and undead wizards also orin grimcaster

another death spell

name: Rage
effect: 250 damage every 5% life lost..... -70% to next attacker if friendly death
school: death

the picture is just a black fist

and one more :D

name: Demonic servant
effect:summons a minion of death
( treasure card is 7 pips )

the demon minion will use:
death blade,death shield,sacrfice,rage,death trap,curse,wraith,scarecrow,skeletal pirate,kraken,stormzilla,helephant,phoenix,power play,

Apr 28, 2009
okey dokey here are the rest, they all cost 8 pips.

type: offense
appearance: volcano erupting!
effect: deals double the power of meteor strike to all enemies, if they are still alive they get an aura that deals 600 damage over 3 turns. only usable in pvp for very high levels and enemy battling.
accuracy: 80
school: fire

ice age
type: offense
appearance: the battlefield gets covered in ice and snow. then a ten below zero wind attacks the enemies.
effect: deals all enemies 500 damage and stuns them for 5 turns. only usable in pvp for very high levels and enemy battling.
accuracy: 90
school: ice

storm enchantress
type: offense
appearance: same as judgement fairy, only in storm outfit and appearance. instead of scales she is holding an electrified staff.
effect: same as storm lord but instead of stunning all enemies, creates an aura that deals 600 damge over 3 rounds. hits all of 'em of course!
accuracy: 70
school: storm

luck of the draw
type: gamble
appearance: ninja pig is playing cards. which one will he draw next?
effect: any of the spells i made. completely random, but master of myth always works in your favor and the random spell never fizzles.
accuracy: 100
school: balance

thats all folks! :)

May 23, 2009
well i want to make a really strong life only attack spell thats stronger than any other attack because life dosn't have good attcks plz read this and make the spell i really dont care about what the spell is i just want it to do a lot of damage bye (lvl fourty one life wizard named aaron life)

Jun 24, 2009
Name: Violent winds
School: Storm (of course)
Lvl: 45 Storm wizards
Does 30 Storm damage then 800 Storm damage
Pips: 6
A big gust of wind comes down and does 30 damage then another huge blast of wind does 800 storm damage.

plz respond :)

Dec 06, 2008
tessa627 wrote:
Lets make your own spell.It's really fun!Here's mine:
Name:Frost Dog
Magic Type:Ice
Offense(Fist picture)
Damege/Helth:100 Damege to 198 Damege
Damege Over Time(Optionol):50 Damege for 3 Rounds
So that's what you fill in.Now make your own spell!

Name: Sheild Of Thunder
Magic Type: Storm
Move Type: Protects you from storm spells for 2 turns
Damege/Health: None

From: JustinGhostTheif Level 23 Storm Wizard Storm School Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 11, 2008

OK here it goes

Spell name: Last stand
School: balance
offense (fist)
Heal: 500
requirements: must be under 500 health
Pips 3
Mana 3

Jul 05, 2009
Name: Griffon
School: Myth
Pip: 6
Chance: 75%

Picture on the Card: A Griffon (duh)

Description: The Griffon comes and can do 450 damage to the first two opponets on the screen.

This would be soooo cool!!

Jul 05, 2009
Hey, also got another one. It's for Life (attack) since there are no really good attack Life spells.

Name: Arc Angel
School: Life
Pip: 4
Chance: 80%

Picture on the Card: An Angel

Description: The Angel will appaer from clouds and will attack the opponet with his/her sword.

250-310 damage

Oct 01, 2008
babyjesus123 wrote:
I really want to make this spell!
I want to make it a Famouse spell! i want people to notice me in wizard101! i don't just want to the girl who walks and only does quests! :(Well i do have friends in wizard101 but they pay much attention to me! I really want to make this spell true! plz kingsisle if you read this plz make my dream come true i'm a really big fan of wizard101! i'm like addicted to this game! k so heres my spell hope you like:

Name: Bloody Girl

Pips: 8

School: Death

Strength: 1200 - 1500

Picture on card: A girl with blood all over her face and she is also showing her claws, with blood on it

What it does: There will be lots of graves popping up and 2 girls that have blood will come up and then the bloddy girl will come up and she will be bigger than the other 2 bloddy girls and the big bloddy girls will scrtach the enemy!

Other: 50%

plz, plz make my card true

My name is tiffany GhostFinder i'm death level 19 and i want to make my dream true
Nrsw2w3 wrote:
Name Ultimate Battle
Accuracy 100
Type Gamble
Class Death and Life
Pips 4
Requirement Level 16 quest
Description A Skeletal Pirate and a Serph start battling. Then there is a 50 percent chance that the serph or pirate will win. If a life wizard cast it and the serph wins, all enemies are defeated. While if the pirate wins the team of the life wizard loses. If a death wizard casts it and the pirate wins all enemies are defeated. If the serph wins the team of the death wizard loses. If used against boss, chances of caster is 25 percent and bosses are 75 percent. No treasure card, and cannot be gotten with equipment or clothing.
First I'll reply to the first quote then the second and then make my own. 0_0 I really don't think they'll add gore to the game that would make it become a T rated game think about 10, 11 and 12 year olds, this game would lose alot of players if that card is added. Now the second has one problem, it will become over powered in pvp, if it is made there will be a good chance lots of people will be conplaining about all the life wizards doing the spell and one shoting them all. Now for my own card:

Magic Type:Balance

Move Type:Field


Effect:Powers all attacks, heals, and buffs.

Weakness:It powers your enemy too.

How to get:All types can get it at level 37 as a class quest but each type has a diffrent class quest to do.

Why its the type it is:Its the type because it powers ALL types.

How much does it Buff:Seeing as it has a high pip cost it buffs 80% but it won't buff Power Nova, "The Grand Father Tree", Ortherus, Scarcrow, Fire Dragon, Frost Gaint, and Storm Lord.

This is the best I could come up with and also I put in weakness and good effects because cards can't be completely over powered so I also made the last spell any type gets not get powered by it and also its a field spell so it can be over taken by another one but you might not want to do that because it will buff you aswell, yes I know this is long but if this spell is put into the game I'll eat my hat!

Malvin FrogBringer
Magus Sorcerer

Oct 01, 2008
I got another,

Name:Bug Attack
Damage:Same as Logust Swarm
Description:Its like Logust Swarm only with bugs and ONLY life wizards can get it.

Oct 01, 2008
tunerpw wrote:
arlynine wrote:
Hi i have one for balance

Balance School
Costs 5 pips
Name - (can't really think of a name, but if you can, please post reply)
Damage - 800 - 1200
Visual - The student of balance, who cast it, appears in the circle, but it isn't actually the student but a more balanced version, the look-a-like turns into a master balance ninja (or if you think of something cooler) and attacks the enemy.
Level - 50 balance only
:) :-) :D :( :-o 8) :x :?

i have a good name for it. how about twisted image
paul fireward, master pyromancer

Jan 27, 2009
Igot a cool one

Name: Scary Shake
type:Offense and Minion
Damage and minion life:Damage 660 and minion life: same as damage
pip cost: 6

May 22, 2009
name: sun
school: fire
type: damage
damage: 600-900 to all enemies
hanging effect: 500 over 4 rounds
pips: 7
animation: weak: a beam of fire gets shot at your opponents
medium: none
strong: the sun falls right on your opponents
accuracy: 50%
level to get it: 50

name: yeti
school: ice
type: damage
damage: 700-800
hanging effect: none
pips: 6
animation: weak: the yeti gives you a crushing bear hug
medium: the yeti jumps on you
strong: the yeti comes toward you swinging his arms and scratches you
accuracy: 60%
level to get it: 50

name: hurricane
school: storm
type: damage
damage: 1000 to all enemies
hanging effect: none
pips: 8
animation: weak: none
medium: none
strong: you get hit by a giant tornado
accuracy: 10%
level to get it: 50

name: rebirth
school: life
type: healing
heals 1000 to all teammates
hanging effect: 500 over 3 rounds
pips: 7
animation: an angel appears and holds out it's arm
accuracy: 50%
level to get it: 50

name: giant
school: myth
type: damage
damage: 900-1000 to all enemies
hanging effect: none
pips: 8
animation: weak: the giant kicks you
medium: the giant falls on you
strong: the giant stomps on you
accuracy: 40%
level to get it: 50

name: zombie army
school: death
type: life taking
damage: 1000 to all enemies heal yourself with half
hanging effect: none
pips: 8
animation: weak: none
medium: none
strong: the zombies come charging at you and crush you
accuracy: 30%
level to get it: 50

name: krokosphinx
school: balance
type: damage
damage: 500 per pip to all enemies
hanging effect: none
pips: X
animation: weak: none
medium: none
strong: the krokosphinx becomes allive and crushes you with it's paw
accuracy: 20%
level to get it: 50

please make these ideas real spells in the game please im begging you. i just want to be recognized for something.