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Loss of School Identity(Ice Pov)

Oct 21, 2013
With Ki making new changes into the system of shadow pips and more etc. I feel that it still doesn't change the fact that many of the schools have lost their identity due to the stats given from the gears and a poorly developed crit block system.

First off, being ice, the supposedly "tanking" school. We should have gears that substitute crit for crit block. Right now, crit block is close to useless and is not utilised by defensive schools. Why is it that storm, the school thats entitled to having high crit and damage can obtain it easily while ice the most defensive school which is supposed to be entitled to high crit block and less damage don't have access to that? we simply lost our school identity, Ice is in a bad state right now, with nerfs coming along the way. Not to mention, every school has health as close to ice which is ridiculous and even resist with the 130 gear.

I propose that we should have a emp'ed up crit block system JUST as good as the critical ratings currently and rework the dragoon gears according to their schools and STATS that they rightfully deserve. Even the set bonuses should be reworked.

Secondly, the spells given. Why is it that angry snowpig can't steal ward first then attack while you're willing to apply that for mystic colossus in the next patch? Many spells need rework imo. Many spells are unfair when compared to their school's counterpart of it.

We need Ki to remember the identities of these schools again. It's really in a bad state right now.

Oct 21, 2013
This goes out to every school, not just ice.

Oct 21, 2013
Bump. Please feel free to provide suggestions to the game or even critique my suggestion. I will not let my post die in vain

Mar 20, 2020
I agree. Sometimes i think the way gear works does not reflect on the purpose of the school. Myth gear in my opinion needs more stats relating to minion functions on their gear, and ice and life need better block. Likewise, there needs to be signature stats for gear in every school. Death needs something that specifically accommodates death etc. Storm already has it pretty good in this respect though.

Sep 05, 2010
Honestly I agree, the schools are too muddled up at the moment, life is supposed to be a healing school but anyone can just get pigsie and a life mastery amulet, farm up some decent outgoing gear, stuff your deck with treasure cards, and boom you're a healer.

Same goes with ice, they're meant to be tanks but anyone can equip a Jade set and be unkillable in 99% of content.

Honestly it feels like the only schools that are actually balanced and can do their job better than anyone else are fire and storm because when you're an ice, life, or balance, your gear and self buffs are just plain inferior in damage and crit and there's nothing you can do about it. Meanwhile if a storm decides they want to have fun as a support, Jading with a life mastery amulet is an option.

But if you want to play as a hitter on ice, life, or balance, that's not really a good option because your gear is specifically made to be inferior to the elemental hitter schools.