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Mar 24, 2009
I am sure that other farmers of the Loremaster can relate with this: Farming for hours without a drop. And when I say hours, I don't mean 8-12 hours, I mean 30+ hours of solid farming. The drop rate of cards needs an increase.

Speaking for myself here, I can't stop farming until I get what I want. Instead of taking a day or two to get what I want, it will take two weeks. I am going to get the spell I want sooner or later. I understand it might be a 'marketing technique' or something to keep players on their games; but farming Loremaster is just so repetitive.

Now, if drop rates aren't increased, fair enough, but also it is hard to get the desired spell. I'll throw some math at you; lets say that the drop rate is one in ten, just to be unbelievably fair, even though the odds are wayyyyy lower than that. There are fourteen cards, so that is a 1 in 240 chance of getting the spell you want. 240 kills for one spell? You could probably get to level 100 in that time.

Hopefully some people agree with me. I doubt change will be made; but it is worth a shot making this post.

Jun 19, 2010
I was just like Fiery Autumn when I first discovered that Loremaster drops 14 spells.

And as one battle turned into two, and then so on, and so on; I started getting frustrated when no spells came my way. Thankfully, another player told me 12 of 14 spells could be crafted; REALLY!?!

So I shifted my focus, traveled to the recipe vendors in Moo Shu and Avalon, and along with farming, I also collected regents to craft the spells the Loremaster wouldn't share with me.

It wasn't easy; but now, I have 10 of 14 spells; 7 were Loremaster drops, while 3 were crafted.

Finding recipe items was challenging. I'd search the Bazaar for the amber and sunstones regents, and spell treasure cards; but they weren't always there for sale. In my search for items, I discovered some places where it was easiest to find items:

Amber Regent:
The hidden boss called the Gladiator in Mount Olympus drops the Amber regent.

Sunstones Regent:
I found lots of sandstones in the Floating Mountains, throughout all the floating mountains, to the left of the teleporter. there;

Why collect sandstones?
Sometimes, when you click on a sandstone; you also receive a sunstone.

How many sandstones do I need to create one sunstone?
15 sandstones are used to create or transmute into 1 sunstone

So starting at the Floating Mountains Teleporter, I would travel to all the floating mountains to the left, and when I could go no further, I changed realms and traveled back to the teleporter. I had the goal to collect 60 sandstones each time I searched, because I knew this was the number of sandstones needed to create 5 sunstones (15 sandstones = 1 sunstone, and 15 x 5 = 60).

Treasure Cards:
Loremaster gives these as rewards, so its easy enough to battle Loremaster for the cards you need or want.

While drops are rare, and its not easy to craft spells; have patience; because both can be yours

Happy hunting and crafting!

Dec 14, 2008
Fiery Autumn on Jul 7, 2014 wrote:
I am sure that other farmers of the Loremaster can relate with this: Farming for hours without a drop. And when I say hours, I don't mean 8-12 hours, I mean 30+ hours of solid farming. The drop rate of cards needs an increase.

Speaking for myself here, I can't stop farming until I get what I want. Instead of taking a day or two to get what I want, it will take two weeks. I am going to get the spell I want sooner or later. I understand it might be a 'marketing technique' or something to keep players on their games; but farming Loremaster is just so repetitive.

Now, if drop rates aren't increased, fair enough, but also it is hard to get the desired spell. I'll throw some math at you; lets say that the drop rate is one in ten, just to be unbelievably fair, even though the odds are wayyyyy lower than that. There are fourteen cards, so that is a 1 in 240 chance of getting the spell you want. 240 kills for one spell? You could probably get to level 100 in that time.

Hopefully some people agree with me. I doubt change will be made; but it is worth a shot making this post.
Actually, the fight can be won in 2 or 3 if you make the right deck. One extra friend doesn't hurt either. Still, the pros at Duelist101 spent over 7 hours to get 3-5 loremaster spells. However, I do have some good news for you:

You don't really need a lot of the Loremaster spells. The only good ones are Loremaster, Deer Knight, Savage Paw, Lord of Night and Winter Moon.

I recommend you just craft the spells you need.