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life and death wizard spell and minion.

Apr 25, 2012
i think death wizard need to have only 1 bubble the damage one at lvl 30 and the minion need to be less hp. life wizard need to have bubble at lvl lvl30 and the minion more hp. is hard for life wizard at lvl 30 to heal with 3 infection spell and the 1 ifecttion spell and the gloom and doom on, there is no way that life wizard can shine with all that, lets talk about that death wizard go farm for spells they get 2 spell that hit all btw 4 and 5 pips and the minion that cast all hit to, life minion dont have any chance to stay in field the hp is to low and she only pass and imp, life wizard need bubble sanctuary and minion more hp.

Oct 16, 2014
The school is meant to counter the school's healing, and is really the only school (not including ) that have the spells to do it. So yes, as a wizard it is extremely annoying to be facing a wiz/mob. My advice is to get a pet with a frequent MC heal (Sprite, Fairy, Batusi, Energizing Battery) to help get rid of the infections.

Can't say much on the Minion's HP (as majority of the schools have similarly low HP), but for Death there is a risk to using Animate. (Myth is similar but they have multiple minion summon spells at their disposal)
  1. The pip cost is 1-5 pips, thus we need a minimum of 5 pips to summon Irate Pirate.
  2. Recasting Animate is costly. For other schools they only need 6 pips (2 reg + 2 power = 4/7 pip slots) to summon their minion twice while needs 10 pips (2 reg + 4 power = 6/7 pip slots).
  3. A buffed 3-4 pip hit can OHKO it, which is a loss of momentum to the wizard.

So yes, a 5 pip Animate is strong but I guarantee you that you will almost never see a wiz use Animate two turns in a row and even more so three turns in a row.

Also both and also have a 4 pip and 5 pip AoE hit, as well has a 3 pip and 4 pip AoE heal. You could even include that has a 4 pip and 6 pip AoE hit. So if anything it's (and maybe too) that needs another low pip AoE hit.
For level 130+ players there is the Vanguard/Dragoon Amulets which give a 4 pip AoE, but I'm assuming you are referring to low levels so I guess that's not an option.

This is just my opinion tho, so don't take it as fact.

Tip: the school is more difficult to defeat while defenseless or with more enemies as AoE drains such as Scarecrow, so I advise not to use minions against them.

Oct 16, 2014
I had forgotten Iron Curse is an AoE spell, so it's just that could use a fixed low pip AoE.