Fire -Named "VENUS" -Hits 900 hp because Venus is 900 degrees fahrenhite (If you use celsius TOO BAD FOR YOU) on all enemies, but, hits 400 on you -Affect: Teleports the duel to the planet Venus does damage on you then enemies -Stuns 1 round on enemies
Storm -Named "SUPER RAIN" -Hits 1150 on all enemies -Affect: Water raises as it does in the spell "TRITON" and hurts all enemies -Stuns 1 round
Ice -Named: "PLUTO" -Hits 525 on all enemies, 120 on you -Affect: Teleports duel to the dwarf planet Pluto does the damage on you then he enemies
Myth -Named: "GAS" -Hits 855 on all enemies, if unlucky possible all of your team instead -Affect: A metal tube appears and sprays out hydrogen at enemies/your team -Stuns 1 round (45% chance of stunning)
Life -Named "MEGA HEAL" -Heals 1, 10, 100, 1005, or 1550 on your team -Affect: Just normally heals -Gives "SPIRIT ARMOR" to all enemies
Death -Named "CHEAT" -Allows you to cheat -How to use: 1. Select the card "CHEAT" 2. Select any card you want 3. Select another card (This card is not the card you are cheating on) 4. Press "U" when you want to use the cheated spell (Has no affect in battle on it's own)
Balance -Named "BACKFIRE" -Makes other team's attacks repel back to itself -Affect: A ward appears circling everyone in the caster's team. The ward looks like a shield with an "X" on it
Star -Named "SUPER SHIELD" -Blocks 100% of all classes -Affect: For 5 rounds the target has a bright blueish-purple shield on them.
Moon -Named "POLYMORPH MERLE AMBROSE" -Polymorphs you into Ambrose and gives you his stats and deck -Affect: Makes you look like Ambrose
Sun -Named "ULTIMATE" -Acts like "TOUGH" and other spells like that but affects by: +255% (No affect on it's own)