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Letters to NPCs

Dec 17, 2008

Simple Idea
To put it simply, write letters to NPCs to have them answered in a post on Wizard101's page.

Extended Information Version
I think it would be cool if we could write in letters to certain NPCs throughout the Spiral. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to ask Kraysys why he stays in that tower, or to ask Yeva Spiderkeeper why she is the keeper of spiders in the first place. Maybe you want to ask the Wavebringer why he doesn't live closer to the ocean?

In another MMO that I play, they have this in place. It's a monthly thing where they choose about 10-15 letters that were written in, and answer the question just to humor us, and sometimes to throw in hidden info about future updates. The people who answer the questions would of course be you at KI, but instead of having it be a random person, it would be the person who thought up the character and developed his/her personality. In that MMO, they also have a character that roams around the world appearing in random places. His name is Postie Pete. I think you can implement an NPC like this as well and have it give out a special code that changes every month. The code would be a password that you would have to enter to send in a question which would limit the amount of people who wrote in.