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Last day-5yr Journey

Sep 30, 2018
Despite the section to promote ideas to improve the game, I took it to my personal self interest to express the fact that 5 years of playing the game i love and enjoy has now come to its final moments. I have accomplished many goals overcame many trials such as those long hours, days even months of grinding the exceptional gears for pve and pvp. While looking back i think WOW! 5 years seems like yesterday when i created my very first death wizard on my old accounts and trying to get a decent pet when max stats didn't matter, or even wasn't a thing. Things back then was much simpler yet hard at the same time compare to how things are now.

There weren't any team ups, kiosk or unlimited fishing energy benefits and double gardening was actually a thing of the past. We weren't bombarded with the idea that having crowns was a necessity to reach maximum potentials and pvp was far more balanced than what it is now. So even though most of my predicaments is too voice my thoughts around that section I've decided to not get in to it, since we were already promise and notified of upcoming future changes that would present itself as an official fix towards pvp.

I've watched 11 of my good friends through out the course of those 5 yrs quit the game due to pvp imbalance issues, but at the same time i carried that torch for them so that their hard works weren't left it vain. I've accomplished leader board titles, warlord status and friendly helping badge achievements through assisting new folks throughout the game. I took pride in my hard work because it was worth it and have cherished every moment between them. So from watching the game as a whole stand point, Id say majority of the work put in by the dev's and effort to keep players around through promoting contents really shift the game to a more positive aspect. So on behalf of the community I just wanna say thanks for keeping the game running for so long and creating new and more fun ways for new and old players alike, to enjoy the game to its maximum capacity. I know its hard and took years of effort but nothing is perfect and i know you guys strive to do just that.

With all that being said i saved 300 bucs to renew my membership and crown purchases, but until the one thing i love about this game gets fixed i refuse to do so. While this may feel like an unnecessary reason to address for some, i just want you to know some people who are into competitive gaming take it to the heart of what pvp does for us as a whole. It not only unites us, but promotes the idea of if you strive to become the best you can achieve greatness, and all am asking for is a fair chance for all players to get into max pvp primarily with an equal chance of winning with less pay to win theme within in the meta. I do hope you guys in the community as a whole continue to voice your expressions and opinions and ideas that would encourage the dev's to bring new contents and further the expansion of the game we all know as WIZARD101. Its been a magical experience thus far, so long take care and remember " A good wizard is its own reward". Angel out~