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Jeweled Mounts and Ideas

Feb 21, 2019
This might've been brought up before on the Forums but I feel its something to share as an idea:

It's about time we get some Jewels for our Mounts.
My suggestion for Mount Jewels would be in the form of "Heart Jewels".

Heart Jewels would be able to be placed on ALL current and formerly available mounts with the intent of providing some extra in-game abilities that are not normally available via other jewels. My jewel ability suggestions are as follows:

Novice Speed Jewels: 1-2% Speed Boost for your Mount (LvLs 15 and 30 respectively)
Adept Speed Jewels: 3-5% Speed Boost for your Mount (LvLs 50, 75, and 100 Respectively)
Expert Speed Jewels: 6-7% Speed Boost for your Mount (LvLs 115 and 130+ Respectively)

(A 7% Expert Speed Jewel attached to something with 50% Speed such as the Creepy Clown Car combined with the Boots of the Comet which provide an extra 8% speed would total an even 65% additional speed. For players who do NOT have a 50% speed mount but HAVE the Boots, etc.; their total would be 55%. Additionally for players who have one of the Crown Event exclusive Scooter mounts, their total speed boost would be 70%. I feel this is a fair amount of speed to add to our Mounts as it results in a close to even number across the board. Negative speed mounts like the Slowpoke Sloth or Ball-N-Chain would be EXEMPT from being able to use Speed related Jewels because it is a gimmick mount.)

Another type of Heart Jewel that could be added would be in the form of Faster Energy Regen Jewels since it takes a while for Energy to regenerate for higher level characters, one energy at a time:

Energy Regen: Adds 1 Extra Energy atop of Timed Energy Regen (LvL 50)
Greater Energy Regen: Adds 3 Extra Energy atop of Timed Energy Regen (LvL 100)
Ultra Energy Regen: Adds 5 Extra Energy atop of Timed Energy Regen (LvL 130+)
I'd also like to suggest a type of mount that could utilize the concept of Energy Regen plus provide an automatic Energy Count Boost and would be a fun way to promote the side activity of Gardening:

The Rototiller

The Rideable Rototiller would come with an automatically provided Energy Regen talent (No Jewel Required) and would boost your Energy by 5. The Mount would be 40% Speed and come with a Heart Jewel Socket to place whatever you wish on it. The Mount would be purchasable through the Crown Shop for 17500 to 20000 Crowns (Price based on ALL currently available mounts via the Crown Shop and based by provided talents) or be provided through a "Gardening Bundle" sold in Retail Stores.
Although "Newer" types of Talents are listed above, I'll share my ideas for Already Established In-Game Talents that would be available through the Heart Jewel system:

The Energy talent set (eg. Huge Energy, Ultra Energy, etc.)
The Wisp Bonus talent - Plus, a new Wisp Talent, if not already available in-game being "Wisp Dragger" which provides a longer reach to automatically grab wisps.
The Gold Miner Talent
May Cast Reveal Fish School and May Cast Gardening Pixie Talents, etc.
I share these ideas as I feel that not a lot of mounts get as much attention as I think they should. For me personally, I chose not to buy regular speed mounts (Except the Creepy Clown Car for Team Up convenience) after I saw that "Battle Mounts" existed as it made having particular mounts without certain battle boosters irrelevant to me. This could give some older mounts a chance to thrive again possibly and give players who're on a tighter budget a chance to add something nice to their mount, regular mount or otherwise.

(I did not post suggestable battle talents as I personally feel we as characters with our friends/teams, spells, henchmen, minions, battle elixirs, pets, etc. do not need a whole lot of additional battle statistic buffs but instead I intended to suggest some ideas that're based on activities other than PvE and PvP. The Rototiller Mount idea was provided entirely on the notion of adding a non-battle, yet statistic boosting mount to the table. I'm not necessarily against the idea of having additional battle talents, I wouldn't say no to a free boost, but I'm open to ideas that're related to battle talents as long as they're not overpowered or redundant.)

I also apologize for how this post is formatted, so I've configured the post to look like as if you're reading an online article or newspaper, dividing each opinion into certain sections.

I hope someone at Kingsisle could take a look at my ideas and share their opinions about them. If you have suggestions for other Heart Jewel talent concepts or what not, share them below.