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It's time to let boy Wizards wear pink and girl Wizards wear brown.

Feb 12, 2015
I've heard the rebuttal in the past that such a thing is not possible because it digs too deeply into the game's original code, and that doing so might cause more problems then good. However, with the capabilities and potential of modern software, I believe that it is now more than possible to have this change happen. At this point in time, it seems almost frivolous to not do so.

Just let boys wear pink and girls wear brown. It's a simple change that would mean more to some people than a limited-edition Rainbow Mount.

May 27, 2013
On closer examination, I've found that the gender pallets are greatly different. White is still white, black is still black, but beyond that all colors are different. That means that either gender is missing out on 20 colors! They may both have 2 greens, but they are different greens, and so forth. So, it goes well beyond pink and brown. Girls can't wear burnt orange or teal. Boys can't wear gold.

I know it would be a serious update, but maybe it's due. It would be nice if the dye shop offered all colors to all people.


Mar 16, 2009
There was talk about them updating the Dye Shop to include a color wheel, which would have come with new code so that the color variety was possible. This wouldn't have worked with old pieces of clothing, but newer ones could.

I really wish they would work on that because this is definitely more than just pink or brown. There are a bunch of other colors that you're going to struggle to find, such as various shades of gray, olive, and so on. Not to mention that for each piece of clothing the shade of the color could be slightly off. I've had to scrap outfit ideas because the dark green on my robe didn't match the dark green on my hat.