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Item Locking

Oct 31, 2021
Item locking should be a default feature, I could not find where to lock my items because I thought it was a default feature and I was just missing where it was. I was worried about selling stitched items because for what ever reason default items that are stitched to look like crowns gear do not count as a crowns item and could be quick sold whenever. Eventually I quick sold 2 pieces of gear which were waterworks gear stitched to look like grandfather spiders cowl and his robe because they were not locked or counted as crowns items. It was only until after this that I looked to see how to lock items and to my surprise it was hidden in the settings under gameplay options 2. Please make item locking a default thing which appears in your backpack, if people want to disable the item lock button they should go into their settings and disable it but it should be automatically turned on.