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Is Wizard101 a PvP game or PvE game?

May 10, 2010
Ok, once again, all the complaints in PvP win out again, and now people that only play PvE lose out.

Now, the Polymorph cards and the Gargantuan cards are gone from the Celestian Archive.

On top of that, Wild Bolt, is now a useless waste of space and pips. Forget and don't even listen to your players who over 2/3 hate the change, nor does anyone listen to the players ideas to fix this problem.
(Honestly, if you had Wildbolt programmed to begin with, then you can change it to this easily. 10% accuracy and 500 to 1000 damage. Not too powerful and with chances to fizzle. Unless players spend training points and gold and lose out on other benefits for accuracy. It is fair to all)

Then, Stun blocks are place to stop chain stuns. Yet, if you have a Myth on your team, earthquake and stun them again.

So, honestly, can someone please let me know, officially, is Wizard101 a PvP game, or is it PvE? Because it seems like everything is changing to make the PvP players happy and not the rest of the community.