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Interactive Features

Feb 24, 2010
I was looking at some real time games - i was wondering if there could be an added feature to have sunrise/sunset/afternoon etc. settings that changes the look of the playing worlds.

Also, how about games available to play in your own house - and other recreational interactive things similiar to other social virtual games within the house since most people pay a lot of money for the house in the first place, it seems to be a little bit of a waste to just use it as a glorified storage facility.

I think in the long term if KI capitalise on the housing aspect, they will provide a new long term dimension at least for those who have completed the game in its entirety.

May 28, 2009
Ya I would love it if I could make a game room in my castle. They should also let you play exclusive games found only in that castle.

Feb 24, 2010