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Improved friends information and management

Aug 21, 2009
We have a list of up to 50 friends, but upon glance we can not tell if they have been active or not and we can not see what level they are without looking each one up individually. I'd like to see the level of the player behind their name, and when looking at their info to be able to see how much time has expired since they last played so I know if it is okay to kick them from my list or not.

I'd also like a check box next to their name that allows me to check multiple players and instant message them all the same message, such as a request for help. It would also be nice if there was a show character information to friends option, but not to everyone else option.

Lastly, I don't have glabal chat cause I'd rather buy gift cards than to run up any sort of debt on a credit card. It would be nice if there were some other age varification system in place for people like me to get global chat. I don't mind tossing money into a debit type of account that a subscription is renewed upon as long as a positive balance exists, but I refuse to pay for any game on a debt creating credit card system.

Why can't I buy gift cards, toss them into an account and have credits deducted from that account from a subscription option or options that I choose as long as a positive balance exists? Why can't I varify my age based upon my social security number or something like that rather than through recurrent credit card charges, I don't even like using or giving out credit card information online no matter how safe I am told it is.

Feb 01, 2009
I agree it would be awesome to be able to send chat to multiple friends at once, most of your ideas about the friends list, I have been waiting for for a long time. :-)