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Improve penalty for leaving team up early

Nov 18, 2021
Multiple times lately has my game crashed on the loading screen when going into team up dungeons. It's not my internet connection, everything else is completely fine, both before after and during the loading screen. But that's not my point, my point is that because lots and lots of people have been reporting the same thing lately, I think it's time that KI makes a better system for punishing you for leaving team up early. First, you should only be punished after leaving a few times, not just once, because it leaves the door open like it is now to punish players who are being affected by something server-side, which they can't control. Also, I know you won't get the team up penalty if you get disconnected and you quit the game when you get the error message, but the loading screen was there for at least 5-6 minutes, and nothing was popping up so I had to alt-f4, and I received the penalty. The system has to be improved, it's frustrating to be punished for something I can't control and that's not on my side.