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Ideas always come before the happen

May 28, 2009
Ok, since no one has asked on a topic what the next spells might be, why woundn't I make it first? OK, i need your idea of the next level 68 spells. Post what you think will be cool. Here is mine:

Fire: R:9 Dragon Wrath: A Baby dragon hatched from a small egg and jumped into a lave pond. After that, he become gigantic, and slashed all opponents. 300-500 over 3 rounds.

Ice: R:9 Chilly finish: On a icy covered plain, ice tornadoes apperent at each corner and make a Bigger tornado at the center. Explode inside with icy flashy beams and make many ice spikes. Each ice spike toss to each opponents and cost them to freeze in two rounds. 730 to all enemies and stun two rounds. And maybe taunt enemies too will be good too :-)

Balance: R:9 Sacred sand: A pyramid come out with many sandstorms who goes round and round. With the top of the pyramid explode and an eye come out from the top. There will be small super novas surrounding the flashing eye and the eye shot a deathly blue beam with some super novas in it. A sandstorm also follows the beam to boom on the enemy. +20 trap and -20 charm to all enemies and 500 damages. (Maybe Sphinx is good too but i don't know what she might do)

Myth: R:9 Griffin/Gryffon: Yea, everybody know what is this. The Griffin/Gryffon is on a medieval castle who fly down with a roar and slash enemy with his claws. The slash come with some tiny myth symbols that fly on the enemy too, like when you port a myth wizard. !00-850 Like Minotaur and orthrus. Double tap. (And breaking a shield will be good too)

Storm: R:9 Sea Lord: A sea snake with some tiny look a like that current best storm card in a wavy sea who looks like in the tempest Come out and roar to the sky. Then some purple lightnings strike the enemy. 1000 damages and storm trap. (DoT will be good too like the storm elf)

Life: R:9 Nature's Help: All friend get a absorb shield and attack enemy. I can't think of what is the animation but it will lower treath to the caster and 470 damages to all enemies. (NO comment)

Death: R:9 Total drain: A skeletal warrior who is bigger than all skeletal warriors wear a dragon armor and use a sword that looks like the fire 100 damage sword dropped by Dean. He use it make a slash and drain 690 from all enemies and Lower treath to all enemies and heal all friends 300.

Hope you enjoyed my ideas. POst your own ideas here or vote for which mine is good. Cya! 8)