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idea for new teleport effects for each school

Mar 16, 2009
my idea is teleport effects that are spells, like with storm, you could use storm lord and the electricity it uses when it attacks a wizard could show up right there, with myth you could use like a Humongofrog like it throws up a wizard, with death they can use avenging fossil, with life they can use centaur, with ice they can use snow angel, balance can use RA, like the spell emerges where a wizard appear and they attack the ground right where they will appear, and once the "attack" is finished the wizard appears, it doesn't need to be a long animation, just something that's like 5 seconds and could be like 4000 crowns to buy that teleport effect, or a wizard could use up 100-150 mana to use it, they'd just have to go to their spell book and there would be an option to use as teleport effect, if it doesn't work then i understand, just throwing some idea's out there if anything similar to this is possible for the future, i know it's a very long shot for anything like this to happen, mostly wanna know what people think about this idea, and i understand how it could take up a lot for someones laptop/PC and cause it to lag, so maybe there could be a selection in setting to turn them off if it's possible, i understand that it might be a couple years before anything like this is remotely possible due to more important things needing to be worked on