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I have good and new features for wizard101!

Mar 10, 2009
Hi! This is my first time posting on a message board and on wizard101. I have cool ideas but never got to tell KI or anything cause I didn't know how to use message boards until now! I'll start off with some quests. I had an idea for people who don't like farming a lot for gold, especially for hatching an egg. I don't like how you have to pay gold for hatching and egg, but I think it's fair for us because we're getting a new pet and we have to pay for pets i guess. Another idea i thought of was for a new animal shelter for any unwanted pets where we can sell for a fair price :D when you sell it, you don't get the gold right away, you have to wait awhile for someone else to buy your pet you sold. I aslo wanted to trade certain items because I know some people who got lets say a sword that someone else wanted and the person that got it didnt want it so they can trade. I have one last idea, we should be able to lock some items we dont want to sell and if we press sell on that item, we have to type in abracadabra to sell/delete it. I hope this was useful thx :).