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houses and castle, castles and houses

May 15, 2009
we all love these
but i would like to see a couple new ones
we are getting another combat triangle
what it is?... i dunno
but i hope can expect school houses for these schools just like the ones we have now
but i would love to hear udeas for the new school houses because here is one of my own

if one is astral

it is an island much like the storm school but its not storming there is a clear sky out with occasional shooting stars streaking across the sky on a large hill is an observatory with a large telescope when you interact with it you can see the different worlds ( already discovered) in the spiral
the house has an observation deck or should i say dome where its a room with a glass floor but under it is a magical 3-d rendering of the spiral like at Ambrose's study but you cant reach this one
the main area has a glowing crystal the light the room up and its large enough for the dining room living room etc etc etc
so give feed back and ideas

Dec 06, 2008
I'd like to see a solar(?) school house. It would look like the fire school house, but with out the jets of fire and burnt grass.