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Helped Wanted signs!

Feb 14, 2009
Why not add a help wanted sign in each world in the commons? Saying what you need help with in that specific world. Up to how many people you want (1-3) Time /Date (Central timezone for time probably) And what you want to do and Specific level or higher like 5, 10, 15, etc.
Side Questing- what street or quest
Main- From till
Farming- Who for how long
For those wizards who friends aren't on and/ or want to do soemthing different like get their grandmaster gear or need help with a quest like fighting the raven cult or jotun or malistare.


Nov 25, 2009
Hmm... that could be helpful.... if people don't mind searching through millions of people who want help.

P.S. Your user name is very familiar. Do you play a game called Spore by any chance?

Dec 06, 2008
nice, then I can stop using my brother's character for farming the jade oni. then others could help, but one question. Will we get rewards?

Mar 02, 2010
I think people would just spam the help wanted sign or post stupid stuff on it for fun or even just lie about wanting help just to see people go to where they want them to

a help wanted sign just would not work. Your best solution is just stand in commons and ask people for help in chat, and that is actually the best way and the fastest way.