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Hard/Expert mode wizard101?

Aug 01, 2014
Hello everyone!

One of my favorite games is known for having an option to play between an expert mode with bonus loot and a regular mode. So why not implement something similar into wizard101?

All the enemies would have buffed health/damage/stats and all worlds would go to their pre-nerfed stage (including those arc 1 optional bosses that used to be mandatory like Old Smokey)

This could bring a whole new challenge to wizard101 and force players to strategize more instead of just blading up into a 4-8 pip AoE. It would also make some of the weaker schools more relevant again because their kit would be more essential

-Players would have the option to make an expert wizard when they create their wizard
-Expert players cannot join team ups unless they have completed that dungeon previously but can only create team ups, where those team ups are automatically in expert mode
-Expert players gain access to a variety of new badges, gear, and perhaps spells

Tell me what you think!