ok so you should be able to use magic outside of combat, and it doesnt drain your primary mana because you now will have a secondary mana. you could use spells for many things, to complete quests, to move objects, etc. one thing you should be able to have and do is a button on the side were you can drw cards and use them. a way you could use them is by summoning minions or creatures of your element and send them out to find certain creatures or locations and when they find it you port to them.
another idea is to actually have classes, ravenwood is a scholl after all. every time you get on a schedule appears and you have certain classes, and by attending them and doing other things you should get grades. in class you could sit down, and the teacher tells you to do things like, demonstrate using certain spells, or fighting class mates, or to just answer a question. you also get homework quests were you have to find things, talk to people, practice spells, or fight classmates in the arena.
plus it should be easier to get gold. 8) :P :D :-) :)