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General Farming Ease

Feb 21, 2010
You guys and gals have got to do something about reducing the player burden on overall farming length. I understand the concept of making all things shiny into rare sought after commodities but does it have to take an act of god to get stuff in a "Reasonable" amount of time? Farming for +18 critical jewels or +125 health jewels in the same dungeons as we already farmed before and got bored with before as well gets old after about five minutes. Please do something about reducing the time spent on this endeavor because i already did this once and I dread doing it again.

It's a game. treat it as such. make it fun. stop making it into a chore for everything shiny. you have more than enough shiny stuff now in this game that you can shorten some of the farming experiences into something that is more achievable and yet, retain the "FUN" aspect, too.