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Forum titles are changed

Dec 02, 2008
It used to be that you started as a novice wizard and got to initiate at 250 posts. I'm not sure if anyone ever made it to the next higher title. That meant the forum had a few initiate wizards and everyone else was a novice.

That seems to have changed. I dug through some threads that have gotten sporadic posts over the course of several months to try to pick up on people who posted for a while and then quit, and get as much data on the thresholds as possible. Anyway, what I found:

1 post is Novice Wizard
47 posts is Novice Wizard
50 posts is Initiate Wizard
99 posts is Initiate Wizard
101 posts is Apprentice Wizard
196 posts is Apprentice Wizard
242 posts is Journeyman Wizard
410 posts is Master Wizard
782 posts is Magus Wizard

Presumably that means Novice is 1-49, Initiate is 50-99, and Apprentice is 100-199, while higher titles have unclear thresholds.

Oddly enough, I could only find four non-administrators over 200 posts, two of which had exactly 410. Of course, posting this thread to the forum changes one of those. I think that has something to do with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

The other thing that is odd is that while the forum titles are the same as the in-game titles, they go in a different order. In game, it is

Novice -> Apprentice -> Initiate -> Journeyman -> Adept -> Magus -> Master -> Grandmaster

Here, it is

Novice -> Initiate -> Apprentice -> Journeyman -> Master -> Magus

Note that the order of initiate and apprentice is reversed. The same happens with master and magus. There might well be an adept title that got skipped over, as there are some large gaps in available data. Or it could just be one of the out of order titles.

Oct 17, 2008
Yes, I also noticed this. I was a little confused at why with over 150 messages I am only an Apprentice and yet someone with 70 or so messages is Initiate. Maybe these are mistakes, or maybe they are just different like that. I am glad someone else noticed that. So I'm not crazy.

Dec 09, 2008
Oh I thought I did apprentice really quick lol. I was like what the! When did I do Apprentice!