it would seem this whole argument is about people porting in when you dont want them to. the simple answer: turn off friend porting in the options. PROBLEM SOLVED!
He asks "Hey, (insert your name here), can i fight Jade Oni with you?
A) I sometimes have to turn on porting when friends need to port back while we're all in Briskbreeze
B) Most people are rude enough not to ask. And we all know we aren't allowed to selectively turn away those that aren't polite.
I have seen a suggestion where those that are on your "preferred friends list" are able to port and those that aren't, well, aren't. I like this suggestion for higher levels.
1) It is far easier for higher level wizards to go downward to help low level wizards than it is for the reverse.
2) you could use the "ghosting" idea for low level wizard and let them take part in the quests. But make it so they can not "farm, gain experience, receive gold, or get anything that is dropped from the bad guys we fight."
3) Let the young wizards use their spells to help.
If the only thing that a younger wizard could do in these battles is to help friend or family member, then most of the players might be more accepting to the younger wizards joining in.
KI, you took the privilage of sharing home made spells from us, so why let young wizards go to worlds that they have not gain the experience to proudly go where they have not gone before?
I believe there should be a liberal level restriction for each world. I don't see anything wrong with a level 30 or 35 porting to help a friend in DS or a level 20 or 25 porting to MS, but i don't think they should be able to obtain quests there. I also believe if someone doesn't have the quest to be in the dungeon or has never had the quest, they should not gain xp or gold from the dungeon.
Not long ago I had a level 10 port to me while I was in a Mooshu dungeon. He wanted to power level his wizard. (I know this person on other wizards). I know there is an option to turn off ports. Mine was on so the other person who was SUPPOSED to be in dungeon could port to me instead of having to run back and forth. Having this person there hindered more than it helped. I believe the low level wizards porting to dungeons will stop if they know they will not get any rewards.
I think it should be limited. I think if a friend asks for help you should be able to port to them, but after the fight you are kicked from the area back to WC commons. People trying to "Power Level" make it harder for the players that are supposed to be in the area's. Such as someone wanting to go to Krok on their lvl 6 wizard can not handle the mob's on their own so they join fights with other wizards and then yell that they need healed. Its hard enough to get through on your own without someone joining your fight because they need healing, because they should not be in the area. But I think if a friend needs help with a boss fight you should be able to help them if they ask it. We should get a request for help window that pops up. telling you where your friend is and a yes or no to help only.
I think it's fine to let them port to the commons area of a higher-level world, but not the portions where there is fighting. That said, I've asked friends to port me to battles in sections I hadn't earned yet, but that was because I needed to go to those areas to complete a spell quest. For instance, my theurgist was 2 levels past the level needed to get her Dryad spell by the time she got to the dungeon that held one of the bosses she needed to battle to earn the spell. This also happened with my sorcerer and my friend's sorcerer, so I don't think that I just level particularly efficiently. It could be that the XP earned in Grizzleheim just pushes a character a little too high in level. If King's Isle does change the porting policy, it needs to keep in mind that it's not really fair that certain wizards will have to wait extra levels to get their spells. On the other hand, I would love to see some of the incentive for constant friend requests from random strangers removed.
A: when i was a magus stuck in marleybone and i was getting bored, my grand master friend asked me to help her with some boss fights and harder fights in DS. The two of us made a great team and we won every fight in DS we entered. Granted, i was magus and was able to handle my self with a deck set up to kill very efficiently. But, it felt good to be able to help her and not need her to help me all the time. Plus, i really dislike MB and i was getting really bored and feeling very stuck so the mooshu and ds previews felt nice. Like a breath of fresh air.
B: but, today i had a low level "friend" while i was questing ds, teleport in and sat there in fights and did nothing. Then when i had a monster all most dead, he would attack it or waste my feint so that my attack wouldn't kill it so his did.
I would like to see the mark spot feature, side quests, and drops all tied to the Spiral Key. If you don't hold a key you cannot mark spot, get side quests or get drops (amulets, pets, rings, athames,hats, boots or robes). Have XP and gold at the same level as the highest Spiral Key a wizard holds . This allows porting to see the world, gives some benefits. But, keeps the best benefits off limits until you actually get there and are powerful enough to do it alone.
Another idea is the lower level person has to be with a friend (that holds a Spiral Key to the area) and can only fight if their friend is engaged in a battle with them.
What annoys me is when lower level wizards port in mark a spot and return over and over to farm or they get side quests to level up faster in higher level worlds. Both of those can be done in a wizards current world, just not as fast.
I am sad it has come to this point.
Megan F Megan D
A very good idea, but maybe have all worlds like Grizzleheim, as in you have to be at least "x-level" to go to a world. This would affect porting to friends, marking spots, all others above mentioned ect...
As for levels Wizard City - lv1 Krokotopia - Lv 8 Marleybone - Lv 20 Mooshu - Lv 30 Dragonspire - L 38
I definitely agree with everyone. You have to earn to chance to get to the higher levels. Yes I can understand if someone called on you for help but that is just creating a bigger mess for you to clean up should the friend be defeated. All in all I say no they should not be able to port to the higher levels unless they are ready for the next stage of the story
I feel lower levels should be able to teleport into areas they can not get into otherwise. And if, for example, a higher level is in combat in Dragonspyre, they can go to their options screen and opt to not allow friends to teleport in. The lower levels need to see these great areas that are off limits to them. A level one can teleport into Triton Avenue without getting access, why not be able to teleport into other worlds?
I dont think lower level wizards should be able to teleport to higher level areas. Reasons why?
1. Its more fun to be able to find what new worlds look like ON YOUR OWN! Me personaly, even though Ive seen and completed every world, If I was someone who was just coming into the game I wouldnt want to have the surprise ruined by teleporting to my friend.
2. Obviously higher level bosses/henchmen. Who likes it when a "noob" enters in a fight with a high level boss? Not any of my friends. It just really sucks when they take your traps you have set up to make a higher hit, and they use it with a lower card. Like I said, NOT FUN.
3. When you go to a new world, there are plenty of quests that other people offer that is a side quest that doesnt have to do with the storyline... And if your entering a new world you can take those, and 1. most lower levels dont know where to go or need help with the quest their doing and 2. once they leave the world you cant go back to finish the quest. Nobody wants to have a quest sitting in their "Quest Library" that you know you cant finish until you unlock the world. BUMMER.
Theres your reasons on why lower level people should NOT be able to travel to different worlds.
DON'T CHANGE THIS! The storyline quests get to be VERY tedious, due to all that running back and forth, etc. Getting a glimpse now and then of the next world is motivating. It breaks the monotony. Why would you even think of changing this?
I don't think that lower level wizards should go into dragspyre because you are right, Falmea. They might get into a battle and they wouldn't have very much health or strong cards. So my answer to that question is no.
You can help your friends in battle if no one else can, you get more XP, you can get awesome drops in bosses, you get to seek what your quests are in the future. There are a ton of reasons why. It's been like that, and I presonally want it to stay like that.
Well I think wizards that are a low lvl should not be able to teleport to other worlds he or she hasn't unlocked. That just ruins everything because when they port sometimes your in a battle and then they die and say heal me so you waste your time healing them, plus it's kind of cheating too. It also ruins the fun of the game, unlocking new worlds from doing missions. So no, I do not think wizards should be able to teleport to new worlds they haven't unlocked.
i think its fine the way it is, but when you press the port button on the friend, if the friend is in a battle at the time it should alert the person in the battle, asking if they want the person to port. if no, they stay where they're at.
I say that porting should continue as it is. With all my wizards I have ported all over the spiral. Some of my funnest times have been helping friends fight on different worlds before I had a key to them. Sure you are going to have some that will abuse, but why penalize everyone because of a few people. I can tell you that I have helped others and have been helped by others to get to places they or I could get to on their own for level quests.
I know that with my first two wizards I was a grandmaster about half way through Dragonspire due to all the world skipping. It didn't matter to me, I finished the game as a grandmaster both times and got no experience points for a lot of Dragonspire. It didn't matter to me because I had fun. After all isn't that why we are here in the first place. If you are high enough levels on DS one more monster shouldn't matter much anyway.
I've had just as much fun fight with a low level on a high world as I have with high level wizards.
I would not mind at all if this feature was removed from the game. Their high leveled friends can help them advance if needed. I encourage this as team play is more fulfilling than solo.
It really depends. There could be no porting if you didn't unlock it, but that would be unfair to families. So, you could have it when a person clicks to teleport, it sends a little message to YOU saying.. Can (name here), (level here) (maybe school here) teleport to you at this moment? Yes, maybe rephrase that, but that's the idea. UNLESS, you click on certain people you don't care if they port to you, so there is NO question. I totally think that is a great idea, that would be a help to those annoying people always trying to port when you keep asking them not too.