Happy Friday! Let's chat about something new, shall we?
This week, we released a new Test Realm update! One of the many things that's new in the Spiral is the customizable Gear Vault - a storage container in your house that can stash extra hats, robes, shoes, wands, etc.
It's customizable because we give you a platform, and you can put any dresser, or actually, anything you want on it, and that item acts as your vault! Today I'd like to ask - what item would you place on top of that platform to create your ideal gear vault? Would you pick the Marleybone dresser? Maybe the Avalon one? Maybe something completely different and unique?
Have a fabulous Friday and wonderful weekend!
Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!
“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.”
Professor Falmea
Something... less big. It's a great feature, but can take up a lot of space used in a dorm room. I'll use something different in each castle, depending on decor. A small chest would be a nice option for some.
A request: add jewel storage to the vault please.
There's also a bug with gear sets. You can move items from backpack to vault, even if they are part of gear sets, without getting the warning that comes up if you try to move a set item to your bank. To make matters worse, doing so removes the item from the gear set permanently, changing the set, even if you return the item to your backpack. There's no warning at all for any of this.
Thanks for adding the vault. Once it's perfected it will be a very handy thing to have.
I was kinda hoping that the vault would be something like an armory, where you could display your gear sets and switch between them based on the situation.
For example, switching between gear that boosts your healing, gear that boosts your defence, and gear that boosts your damage, and switching between pve and pvp gear, etcetera.
I imagine for those who have a variety of different tactics that vary based on what opponent they face, this might come in handy.
I guess if I had to pick a style of vault I'd go with whichever seems the gloomiest. I am a Death wizard after all.
When I heard of the gear vault I thought it would be like a glass display case that would show a miniature version of whatever athames, amulets, and rings we put into it as though they were in a jewelry case.
Sadly it's not something like that, so you can't show off some of the very nicely modeled items we worked hard to farm for in Tartarus, TOTH, Morganthe, etc.
Or the glass-fronted wand cabinets and stands found throughout the tournament lobby in Pigswick Academy - next to a portrait of a famous duelist, a glass display case with a stand holding up the wand they used.
Anyway, on-topic: I'll probably end up moving a crystal storage rack over it, or trying to fit a Heated Stone Tower on to the pad and perching it up on a rug overlooking my fire house. Hopefully being suspended in midair as a stone tower, won't change its interactivity.
I wood like to use the krotopia dresser because its large and has many drawers. as a second option i'd use the trunk . many trunks and suitcases as well just to travel with. i'd would love to have our charactors actually have back packs on us as a way of actually carrying our stuff. our wand some how in our hands at all times.
Happy Friday! Let's chat about something new, shall we?
This week, we released a new Test Realm update! One of the many things that's new in the Spiral is the customizable Gear Vault - a storage container in your house that can stash extra hats, robes, shoes, wands, etc.
It's customizable because we give you a platform, and you can put any dresser, or actually, anything you want on it, and that item acts as your vault! Today I'd like to ask - what item would you place on top of that platform to create your ideal gear vault? Would you pick the Marleybone dresser? Maybe the Avalon one? Maybe something completely different and unique?
Have a fabulous Friday and wonderful weekend!
Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!
i would put a avalon cabinet on it because you can't put anything in it or on it
I tried the small wooden chest, but it can't be positioned to cover the little box that comes with the vault.
i love the concept of the vault, but it needs refinement. Thanks.
Agreed. I tried the oaken armoir. OH - Just make the vaults and other armoirs stitchable! Then it would be JUST like now in live realm (for decorating) - but the armoirs would be useful too.
A note on its functionality(leaving aside it's lack of aesthetic appeal.)
Please make the vaults tradeable. I understand the need to entice us to buy multiple vaults, but this isn't the best way. We want to have fairly empty banks & shared banks - that's one out of two points of having a gear vault. As a result we NEED multiple vaults, because the other point is to be able to sort and quickly retrieve specific gear. We NEED 7 vaults to sort by school. Or we NEED 10 to sort by levels. Or we NEED some creative number for people to sort other ways - PVP? Seasonal? Energy? If the vaults were tradeable we could just pass a whole set of sorted gear to the right character when they level up. Not pass each item through the shared bank.
Please remove the restriction of only 1 inside and 1 outside a house & picking up another if you already have 1 in your pack. So 1 character can keep & sort all.
Please make them nameable - so one character can keep & sort all - and multiple vaults can be in the shared so we can pick out the right one.
Please make sure the gear auto sorts by level & item name - so we can compare for selling/keeping the best.
One Last thing
Please add a Big Magic Box - or whatever that we can actually dump ALL of the gear into - and that one character with all the vaults set up in her yard - each one NAMED for sorting - can sort from the Big Magic Box - into the right gear vault. We could sort all in one go. Then put all the vaults in the shared bank and pull them out on the right characters.
This matters because sorting gear is a LOT more complicated than sorting the seeds was.
It would need the interface from the Bazaar. Sortable by school and then level & name. Also allowing us to see the stats on hovering.
Please think about these changes & additions. & Thanks
Something... less big. It's a great feature, but can take up a lot of space used in a dorm room. I'll use something different in each castle, depending on decor. A small chest would be a nice option for some.
A request: add jewel storage to the vault please.
There's also a bug with gear sets. You can move items from backpack to vault, even if they are part of gear sets, without getting the warning that comes up if you try to move a set item to your bank. To make matters worse, doing so removes the item from the gear set permanently, changing the set, even if you return the item to your backpack. There's no warning at all for any of this.
Thanks for adding the vault. Once it's perfected it will be a very handy thing to have.
I agree with everything you are saying. I really do think that jewel storage in the gear vault is necessary. I have so many jewels that i don't know what to do with. I also don't want to sell it. I think that jewel storage is a great idea as Frost Wind said.