Not sure if this topic has already been talked about (given that there are well over 600 pages full of topics to try to see if I may be repeating things... But we go!
As I was playing on one of my new wizards, I was going through my quest book to sort through quests to go to that were closest to me, and noticed that the quests were scattered on different pages, that were of different areas. One page may have a quest or two from say, Olde Towne, and one from Triton, and one from Firecat Alley. The next page may have two from Triton, and one from Colossus Blvd., and one from Firecat Alley, and so on.....
My suggestion is, "Is there a way, that when you get a quest from one place and later get another from the same area but is on a different page, to actually have the ones from same locations to be on SAME page, to make the sorting a bit easier ?" Also, "Each time you enter an area, to have your questbook queue up those relevant quests from that area to be at-the-ready, so that when you open your questbook, it will show those quests, and you can complete them right then and there ?"
It's kinda awkward and repetitive to go back and forth searching for relevant quests when you're in a certain area, and you may have quite a bunch of quests in your book.
Sorry if what I am suggesting may be hard to understand. Just thought I would put my "two cents" in for a helpful suggestion of a "sort-able" QuestBook. I'm open to what anyone else thinks of this type of enhancement to the questbook, and wonder if KingsIsle can implement it so as to help the community have their questing turn out better for them while they are venturing to the different realms. After a LONG hiatus away from the game, it's great to be back, and enjoying it again!
Take Care Everyone, and Happy Questing!
Allan LifeBloom Initiate Theurgist Level 12 (currently, as I write this)
While your suggestion would be infinitely helpful, there is a keyboard shortcut that will become your best friend: ctrl+shift+Q. This sets the quest with the closest goal relative to your position as the active one. There are actually a myriad of cool keyboard shortcuts that people don't talk about all that much and I've been trying to commit most of them to memory. I think there are a ton of different interfaces that could stand to have some more in-depth organization features *coughBAZAARcough* but the quest page usually comes in at the top of my list too.
Not sure if this topic has already been talked about (given that there are well over 600 pages full of topics to try to see if I may be repeating things... But we go!
As I was playing on one of my new wizards, I was going through my quest book to sort through quests to go to that were closest to me, and noticed that the quests were scattered on different pages, that were of different areas. One page may have a quest or two from say, Olde Towne, and one from Triton, and one from Firecat Alley. The next page may have two from Triton, and one from Colossus Blvd., and one from Firecat Alley, and so on.....
My suggestion is, "Is there a way, that when you get a quest from one place and later get another from the same area but is on a different page, to actually have the ones from same locations to be on SAME page, to make the sorting a bit easier ?" Also, "Each time you enter an area, to have your questbook queue up those relevant quests from that area to be at-the-ready, so that when you open your questbook, it will show those quests, and you can complete them right then and there ?"
It's kinda awkward and repetitive to go back and forth searching for relevant quests when you're in a certain area, and you may have quite a bunch of quests in your book.
Sorry if what I am suggesting may be hard to understand. Just thought I would put my "two cents" in for a helpful suggestion of a "sort-able" QuestBook. I'm open to what anyone else thinks of this type of enhancement to the questbook, and wonder if KingsIsle can implement it so as to help the community have their questing turn out better for them while they are venturing to the different realms. After a LONG hiatus away from the game, it's great to be back, and enjoying it again!
Take Care Everyone, and Happy Questing!
Allan LifeBloom Initiate Theurgist Level 12 (currently, as I write this)
A better way for the long run rather than short term of wiz city, i would sort it by world rather than area, the same way that badges are sorted except maybe with tabs on the left side of the book. even sorting it by worlds would make it easier, sorting it by area is WAY too much work for KI, it would drive them bonkers, being able to sort it like the badges is more realisticly applicable. maybe if it was auto sorted so that triton was next to triton and so on that might be easier than have a seperate page for each area.
This kind of update, in general, has been asked for before, to the general agreement of us users. The most intense version of this request I've seen has been this:
Tabs up at the top to show all the various worlds When you click on a tab, you see sub tabs for Task (anything the quest helper can not be used for) and Quests When you click that tab, you see Story and Sub Quest (crafting, spell, pet quests, etc) tabs And of course, with your current comment (which has been mentioned before as well), a way to sort the quests by location in each world
I think an updated quest log is important, and would help end clutter, as well as give us a simple way to view what we need to get done. All in all, I think the quest log SHOULD be updated somehow, and hopefully KI will listen to us and use our suggestions.
PLEASE take this post as simply restating things that have been stated before (that I can remember)
Many THANKS to everyone who posted their reply regarding my topic about a sort-able quest-book.
I will look into the keyboard shortcuts link provided by *Starblood653*....and thank you for providing it. I guess I didn't either see that we had that capability to sort already, or remember we had it (Gosh, it's been THAT long ago that I played, LOL!)
And to *Ryan DayBreaker*.....the latter part of your comment is just about what I am referring to, when you said, ".....being able to sort it like the badges is more realisticly applicable. maybe if it was auto sorted so that triton was next to triton and so on that might be easier than have a seperate page for each area." When you may have a ton of quests to begin with, and let's say you have maybe 3-5 pages worth, and they are all scattered. You suddenly find yourself seeing quests, that were from Wizard City, when you are currently in the main area of say, Mooshu, and you say to yourself, "wow, and I thought I was done with WC already!" But yes.....again, I will look into the keyboard shortcuts link and bookmark it so I can refer to it when needed, and hopefully it will alleviate the mess of scattered quests.
Again. thank you to everyone for your replies.
Allen LifeBloom Initiate Theurgist Level 21 (currently, as I write this)