Not sure how many people have realized but after Azteca the bad guys escape, and this is actually the second time we've seen this happen in two different worlds. The first was Grizzleheim with The Coven. So does anyone else think that The Coven is gonna end up teaming up with Morganthe in some kind of Epic conclusion to finishing off these enemies once and for all? If so could that mean the next world will be some kinda place that has to do with the ending of Norse Mythology? I know they said Wintertusk was the end of the Grizzleheim story, but not necessarily the Norse history timeline. Thoughts anyone?
Not sure how many people have realized but after Azteca the bad guys escape, and this is actually the second time we've seen this happen in two different worlds. The first was Grizzleheim with The Coven. So does anyone else think that The Coven is gonna end up teaming up with Morganthe in some kind of Epic conclusion to finishing off these enemies once and for all? If so could that mean the next world will be some kinda place that has to do with the ending of Norse Mythology? I know they said Wintertusk was the end of the Grizzleheim story, but not necessarily the Norse history timeline. Thoughts anyone?
I don't see any "conclusion" at all...the game should continue to grow, or what's the point of continuing to play? I wouldn't be surprised to see Wintertusk continue in some form, though. The only ones who know for sure, and aren't about to drop hints, are KI employees. We'll just have to wait and see what they have in store.