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Elixir Ideas!

Jul 11, 2009
Elixir Ideas, say what you want and what you don't want:

-elixir to not get pulled into battles
-elixir to go faster
-elixir to teleport to any are (that you've alrady been to)
-elixir to get more arena tickets in matches

Well, not the best ideas but maybe you can think of better ones.
Please Post!


Aug 02, 2008
WaddleDeeMan wrote:
Elixir Ideas, say what you want and what you don't want:

-elixir to not get pulled into battles
-elixir to go faster
-elixir to teleport to any are (that you've alrady been to)
-elixir to get more arena tickets in matches

Well, not the best ideas but maybe you can think of better ones.
Please Post!


Nice, But I want the elixirs to appear by my other potion bottles, (smaller elixir bottles) that you can use jut like the porion bottles we already have! AND NOT RIGHT AWAY! Gesh.

Jul 26, 2009
WaddleDeeMan wrote:
Elixir Ideas, say what you want and what you don't want:

-elixir to not get pulled into battles
-elixir to go faster
-elixir to teleport to any are (that you've alrady been to)
-elixir to get more arena tickets in matches

Well, not the best ideas but maybe you can think of better ones.
Please Post!


I like all those ideas. But there's just one problem: The elixirs only cost crown . Except for the ones that turn you into things, which are overly expensive for what they do.