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Egyptian Gods (Spell Idea)

Sep 09, 2010
I just got a random idea for a spell branch, Let's say hypothetically you get a side quest to krokotopia for a set of new spells and these spells would be Egyptian God themed. Now we all know balance already has Ra and it's a cool looking spell so here are some of my ideas for a concept like this.

Anubis: School Spell / Anubis appears from a dark shifting pyramid, he carries out a scale like Judgement and it's a 50/50 chance to do anything (damage and effect is up to king isle). It would take a light from target (like wraith) then that soul would be put on the scale, anubis would then heal back the user depending on the weight of the soul

Osiris (God of Living): School Spell / Osiris appears in Egyptian themed green garments, he casts his staff down on the ground triggering vegetation to grow either hitting enemies or healing allies

Sekhmet: School Spell: Sekhmet appears, like Ra, Sekhmet is a solar deity (daughter of Ra) meaning she could either channel the sun in a different way (more fire themed) or Sekhmet would appear casting a cyclone of fire (close to the Storm Scion) which hits the enemies.

Isis: School Spell: Isis is the goddess of magic and is said to do many things in folk lore, for her spell she could throw 2 Egyptian crosses (Like the one Ra holds) and suspend them in the air having them spin rapidly and glow until both of them telepathically go towards the enemy and come back hitting them.

Ma'at: School Spell: The Egyptian godess of balance, Ma'at seeks to maintain the world order, in the spell, she would appear standing in the middle of the battle circle on desert terrain, suddenly, around the edges of the circle, egyptian symbols start growing one by one empowering Ma'at then hitting you.

Shu: School Spell: The Egyptian goddess of winds, she conjures up icicles that appear around her making a semi circle shape, they then proceed to telepathically zoom at you

This is all just a cool concept that I thought people would like, any criticism is welcome, these are thought of according to my knowledge of Egyptian mythology (I'm Egyptian myself) but I'm not an expert as this is all google search based. Let me know what you think.