I love this game, I play it all the time, and have very little complaints, but do have one; the dungeons. Yes they are fun, and I understand why you can't leave them and go to other places in the game, but why can I not quit the game during a dungeon? It is proven in many statistics that sitting for over an hour, and worse, staring at a computer screen for that time, are bad for the body. Being so inactive also promotes obesity, and because this game is targeted more for children, it teaches them bad habits. I am not bothered by a two hour dungeon, as long as I can quit and pick up the game another time. This improvement to the game would not only help others stay active, but let them play quickly before going somewhere like school, and not have them worry about losing their progress. I really think many people would enjoy this advance, and hope you will sincerely considerate it. - Fallon Star
If you're concerned about sedentary lifestyle, a dungeon is not the big problem here. It's the bigger picture - spending hours at a time sitting doing anything of this nature is bad.
I'd like to save progress during dungeons too, for most dungeons the only thing that makes them different from other areas is the time-out feature.
If you don't have perfect internet connectivity, or if you have real life responsibilities that can't wait, it's unfair to lose your progress if you can't finish it all in one go.
A better incentive for finishing in one go would be a bonus round, bonus boss, or extra loot for players who entered the dungeon and did not leave or port outside of it during the time limit. This means you can still finish the storyline later if lightning hits your wifi or if your kid falls and skins his knee while you have a dungeon in progress.
I love this game, I play it all the time, and have very little complaints, but do have one; the dungeons. Yes they are fun, and I understand why you can't leave them and go to other places in the game, but why can I not quit the game during a dungeon? It is proven in many statistics that sitting for over an hour, and worse, staring at a computer screen for that time, are bad for the body. Being so inactive also promotes obesity, and because this game is targeted more for children, it teaches them bad habits. I am not bothered by a two hour dungeon, as long as I can quit and pick up the game another time. This improvement to the game would not only help others stay active, but let them play quickly before going somewhere like school, and not have them worry about losing their progress. I really think many people would enjoy this advance, and hope you will sincerely considerate it. - Fallon Star
If it is a multi-layered dungeon, you can easily "spin" inside and go do something else. You just can't log out or leave. You have to learn the tricks to play online games. that's one of them.
Not all games lead to obesity; please don't even go there. I know one child that plays games for hour upon hour and is anything but obese.