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Double Membership Rewards, Free Membership Benefits For All in Dec

May 14, 2020
Two membership benefits per month. One is always voted on by the community from a list of 3 benefits selected by KingsIsle. The other benefit is selected by KingsIsle. This keeps it so the membership benefits feel like they're more community-driven and community-focused, while also allowing KingsIsle to keep the benefits from always being the same ones (so it always feels fresh), but players feel like they have a louder voice in the benefits they get and the direction of the game. :)

One final change. Free membership benefits for all players (even free-to-play players who have never had a purchase on their account or even their family account), but only for the month of December. It's a sort of "free sample" for Christmas season. It wouldn't really change things that much, in terms of the game economy. But it would just be a nice gesture for free-to-play players. It would also give them even more of a reason to logon, if they had been taking a break, during the month of December.

(I'm sure this would have to be talked over by the team. But I really would like to see this get discussed and considered. I think it would be very healthy for the game.)