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Distinction Between Blue Card Enchants

Mar 28, 2011
As a support, knowing which blades and traps stack and which ones don't is a big part of the job. Currently there is no difference between a blade sharpened with a trained sharpen, an equipment sharpen, (such as the one on Dragoon Boots or Last Wood Defender's Jewel) and a pet sharpen.

Three Differently Enchanted Blades: gyazo.com/cda0b403fc5d4dc1e8918ebee19ac0a7

All three of the blades will stack, but there is no distinction between them. This becomes and issue when multiple supports are working together to blade a hammer. I also cannot run multiple blue card sharpens in my deck effectively because of the mystery surrounding which blue cards are from my pet and which ones are from my gear. My suggestion is to identify pet blue cards with a symbol in similar placement to pack symbols on treasure cards. It would be also helpful to identify cards enchanted with pet or equipment spells with a symbol.

Pet Sharpened Blade Card: https://gyazo.com/f0f01901333ab3f4d21b1c6d17b1fc61
Spell Enchanted by Pet Card: https://gyazo.com/9ab808c2ee1d2670a988e1753d00c457
Spell Enchanted by Equipment Card: https://gyazo.com/4efb239d90bfb9146aa292d8dbf634ef

Mar 24, 2009
I agree that it's very frustrating trying to differentiate between the different sharpens. I think adding the little symbol like on pack treasure cards is a great idea and I hope it gets implemented! We also would need different colors for the different sharpens when scrolling over a player's effects in battle.
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