Hi, so I recently became interested in one of Diego's trainable spells, called conviction. So naturally I turned to the best website on earth, wizard101 wiki and looked up conviction and sadly it said that I needed to be a rank sergeant to purchase this with training points, but right now I am on vacation so I can't access wizard101 to confirm this, but I believe it is. But here is my problem I don't pvp and I probably never will, I just want the spell, but I will cave in and fight pvp so I can get this spell. Could anyone tell me how many battles I have to play to get to that rank and how many I must win? And lastly, is anyone else irritated that you must fight pvp in order to get this spell? I mean I does make sense because Diego is training them and he is the Duelmaster, so I guess it makes you work for it, and hopefully is will be worth it. Oh, and one more question, should I even bother with the conviction spell? Is it worth the work?
Well i do not think it might be so good of a spell but it does have some effects of a spell that you usually get from level 40+ gear. But it depends on if you really want it. oh ya you have to win enough battles to go up a rank. oh ya and if you want it, get it before the third age of pvp starts cause when the third age starts everyone will be reseted to the beginning rank. oh ya and you cannot rank up in practice i think. only in ranked and tournaments. ranked is free if you member. other wise it is for a certain amount of crowns. and tournaments can last for hours and always do. and no matter what tournaments are never free. being a member only makes you pay half as much. so also that spell that blocks stuns is useless in wizard city unless used in player versus player and i think that some creatures on sunken city might be able to stun you.at least the wailing wraiths can.