Well Hi fellow wizards! I'm kina new so uh I need help! I want to make a new wizard and I can't deside, DEATH or BALENCE 1 part of me says death is way cooler, while the chants balence balence balence! Please post!
love EMMA MOONHUNTER Lvl 17 ice goddes 8)
(i would love to call myself lady blackhope, just a dream though)
I totally recommend Balance, mostly because that school allows you to use all the good things about the other schools and put them all together. You will still be able to use Death spells and lots of other cool ones, too. So, I recommend Balance. :D
I totally recommend Balance, mostly because that school allows you to use all the good things about the other schools and put them all together. You will still be able to use Death spells and lots of other cool ones, too. So, I recommend Balance. :D
Thank you so much for posting but i want 2 know what other people 2! tally: balence :1 death:zip
your friend, EMMA MOONHUNTER Lvl 17 ice goddess 8)
Why do you want to make a new wizard? Did you not like Ice?
What do you like/dislike about your Ice wizard? Maybe that will help you decide between Death or Balance.
Well i love ice but i'm not sure if i and my wizard can take the not very strong powers and besides i'm trying to dedise on what's next 4 me. Her secondaredy is fire! Sure awesome powers but i'm in kroc right now and it's going slow,Temple of fire. When my old death wizard was here she could do quest so fast i thought i had quest i did a month a go! I deleted her and i don't no why! Same with my balence wizard. Kroc is hard so that's what i mean what would be best for kroc. DEATH or BALENCE? Oh and whatever the school of focus is then the other will be the secondaredy school for her. Aka:q1: i miss my old 1s. q2:i love ice! q3:i like ice for the heath reasons and i dislike ice because of the unstrong spells. I think sometimes i must start over again. Well RoloX2 what do you like and dislike about your class? Each has pro and cons. Ture fact. Ice has good heath but bad spells compared to fire. The sun bird's max dmg is 355 to ice's evilsnowman 300 max dmg both are a pip cost of 3 but as you can see fire is stronger! BUT i've seen fire fizzle ALOT more than ice. Happy now RoloX2? Get what i'm saying?
your friend, EMMA MOONHUNTER Lvl 17 ice goddess 8)
Why? Storm has strongest attacks, Balance has the buffs and traps, Myth a few reasons; 1. it is Deaths oppesit 2. It has minions to help you 3. Because Cyrus Drake & Malistair are bros. and what better way to understand the enemy than from his own ken (spelling).
All though choosing Death for a third school would be good too. for the extra healing + damage, one really can't beat that.
Balance is not the easiest of schools to manage. I personally love Balance since it's a great support and damage role but death is great for big damage.
I would give both a try and see which fits you the best.
Why? Storm has strongest attacks, Balance has the buffs and traps, Myth a few reasons; 1. it is Deaths oppesit 2. It has minions to help you 3. Because Cyrus Drake & Malistair are bros. and what better way to understand the enemy than from his own ken (spelling).
All though choosing Death for a third school would be good too. for the extra healing + damage, one really can't beat that.
um, death's oppesit is life! hello! and it's beween death and balence no strom no myth sorry but at laest i narrowed it down! why i left it to that? fire: sick of it ice: to week :P strom: unheathy and fizzles way 2 much myth: all you get is minons! life: all you do is heel! death: drains heath and are strong balence: it's all the classes who won't want that?! tally: balence:2 death:1 Cocoaluver: thanks for giving me a straight answer! as you can see each smilie means a class! :P fire ice strom myth life death balence) your friend, EMMA MOONHUNTER Lvl 17 ice goddess 8)
Death is best cause you cant get buffs and traps like balance ,but balance gets more of that. Anyways if you put a most off your buffs and traps and use wraith or vampire you can get a hard hit and a lot of health. So, I recommend death.
all right guys tomarrow moring at 9:00 the polls are closed ok? my girl now is stuck in the palce of fire trying to get to the thrown room of fire but no one has the quest so at that time no more votes ok your friend, EMMA MOONHUNTER Lvl 18 ice goddess 8)
Well Hi fellow wizards! I'm kina new so uh I need help! I want to make a new wizard and I can't deside, DEATH or BALENCE 1 part of me says death is way cooler, while the chants balence balence balence! Please post!
love EMMA MOONHUNTER Lvl 17 ice goddes 8)
(i would love to call myself lady blackhope, just a dream though)
alright it's a tie both 3 man polls closed :( Cocoaluver said balence SyhaN said balence Smartgal said death TayD said both death and balence usarules007 said death see a tie thanks all of you i needed that help i'm just going to make 1 not sure which but i think i'll make a wizard of: balence! i know all that for balence? well i you no my old balence wizard didn't go so far but sarah did but we still can talk about this subget all we want thank you Cocoaluver, SyhaN, Smartgal, TayD and, usarules007 4 helping me make the choce :-) your friend, EMMA MOONHUNTER Lvl 17 ice goddess 8)
Well Hi fellow wizards! I'm kina new so uh I need help! I want to make a new wizard and I can't deside, DEATH or BALENCE 1 part of me says death is way cooler, while the chants balence balence balence! Please post!
love EMMA MOONHUNTER Lvl 17 ice goddes 8)
(i would love to call myself lady blackhope, just a dream though)
DEATH! DEATH! DEATH! I have a lvl 40 necromancer and it is soooo cool! when you get in to the higher lvls with death it is sooo worth being a death wizard. and the best part is the spells hurt the bad guys, and heals the good guys! :D so, say you are low on hp, and so it the guy you are fighting, so you can't decide what to do, heal, and try to get him next round, or try to kill him now, but the spell might fizzle. so death does both at once :D
what the heck do you expect from a balance wizard like me? BALANCE DOH! this is peach the ferret. the manga series rocks cause it has ferrets but the third book is really bad. and the characters personalities don't go very deep. :( what in the spiral were they thinking!
Might I suggest Balance first, as the boost from the blades is hard to beat plus the added shields is never a bad idea, Balance gets all school shields, and the added extras are always a welcome addition to any deck.
Balance Blade 25% damage BladeStorm 20% damage Spirit Traps 25% damage Life Myth Death Elemental Traps 25% damage Fire Ice Storm Spirit Blades 35% damage Life Myth Death Elemental Blades 35% damage Fire Ice Storm Hex 25% damage Balances Generic Trap
This is just on the Balance side of things, not even mentioning the added benefit of 50% off for the two Balance shields, Elemental and Spiritual, which covers all schools.
Death greatest asset to this is of course the Feint
Feint 70% outgoing and 30% incoming
Now, all things considered, 25% + 20% + 25% + 35% + 25% + 70% equals one massive hit.
Add to this the fact that after you receive Feint, you will then have enough points to get the Tower shield from Ice and the added Volcanic Shield which gives 70% off for storm and fire hits plus, the Dream Shield of Death which gives you 70% off for life and myth.
Some then go to Life school and go all the way up to Satyr with that afterwards. Giving them the ability to heal others as well as themselves. Death will do this as well with the Vampire and Ghoul. Not as high however the benefits are there.
So again I ask, why not both schools? Combine the best of both into one awesome powerhouse of a Wizard and you will have no problems getting through the game. I think that you too will be pleasantly surprised by the results in the arena as well. Ally, as we call the Judgement card because she says "Ally Oops!", before striking the scales, is all but unstoppable. Tower and absorbs, Life and Ice school both have them, aside, I have personally done in excess of 5000 damage points in the arena. Not impressed? I wasn't trying when I did it, and no I was not trying to impress you lol. So, if you are looking, and can't decide, why not take a chance and try them both.
wow i have not been here in ages! sorry guys now i have tons of wizards i'll name them all!
Emma Moonhunter ice 22 :P Abigail Mythhunter storm 16 i think Kymma Mythhunter myth 15 Hannah Mythhunter life 20 Sarah Mythhunter death 16 Sydney Mythhunter balence 18
Well that's all folks! yours friends, all of the above 8)
wow i have not been here in ages! sorry guys now i have tons of wizards i'll name them all!
Emma Moonhunter ice 22 :P Abigail Mythhunter storm 16 i think Kymma Mythhunter myth 15 Hannah Mythhunter life 20 Sarah Mythhunter death 16 Sydney Mythhunter balence 18
Well that's all folks! yours friends, all of the above 8)
things have changed: Emma Moonhunter: Lvl 38 Ice Goddess 8) Abigail Lioneyes: lvl 7 Life helper the second both of these are grandmaters more will come!!!!!!!!!!! O! & thnx for helping me! it's nice to no someone is k with my weirdness!!
I like death, because well, it's my school! (wolf howls somewhere distant) I think death has cool spells This is just what I think of death and balance MY OPINION:
Death: 10000000000000000000000000000000000 (zillion more zeroes)
Balance: 400
I really recommend death, even though Balance might have shields against all the elemental schools or the spiritual, I just like death.
i think you should do death then balance. i have an ice myself and i do not like it that much. could you help me?????? should i be a death then storm wizard or a storm then death wizard???? (does that make since????) what i mean is death main then storm second or storm main then death second. thx. :)