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Dear KI We Need a Crafting Bank - that takes, reagents, gold, TCs,

Jul 09, 2010
...and "reagent" items (fish, gear, housing things, ...) -- which can be separated by Specific Recipe Tabs or something.

It could be like the new craft-able banks.

We could set it in our crafting room.

It would matter that it's not the same as the ones already in game - because:
  • I have a goal of crafting all the Storm spells on my new Storm character.
  • I can't do that until she's past Zafaria's crafting quest.
  • I want to start saving the right numbers of the reagents and cards now - separating them out so I can't accidentally use the Treasure Cards or reagents for other crafting quests or projects as time goes by.

If I could separate them out I could know if it's still in my shared bank, backpack, or deck it's up for grabs to sell or use.

They'd need to be removable in case of a storage error, or a crafting pinch or a need to sell ...even if it hurt a little.

It would be ideal if the interface on the recipe card was the same as in our books so that I could quickly see how I was doing on fulfilling each reagent collection for the recipe I was seeing. (In our books I could look at 3 recipes all calling for Stone Block and they'd all three say I had plenty ...but in reality I might only have enough to make one of the recipes. Hence the need to separate and dedicate reagents to individual recipes-- also then there's no need for me to keep a list outside of the game and a running total.)

Currently no banks or vaults ( I know of) can take gold or treasure cards -- but this is REALLY important because I am bad at saving so I'd like to be able to just add money and let it grow, meanwhile I could spend what I left in my backpack. AND Treasure Cards are really easy to forget you needed to save. Please let us set them aside in the Crafting Bank.

It would be ideal if the Crafting Bank functioned like the regular one where there is an account shared section and a per character private one So one character could throw in all their Bones and my Storm girl could grab them from the shared and put them in her personal bank behind the right recipe card.

**While it's true we have been asking for years to have gold and treasure cards be trade-able through the shared bank - whatever the reason that hasn't happened doesn't have to stop this bank idea. There could be a NO TRADE on Treasure Cards and /or Gold - and they could just go in the "bank" side.

**though I do HEARTILY wish both gold and treasure cards were trade able.

Please think about it.