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Cut Scenes and Tomagawa the evil's health

Aug 04, 2008
Please add cut scenes to the entire game and lower tomagawa the evil's health down to 500 health points to make him easier for everyone including balance wizards in moo shu.

Jun 09, 2009
Cut scenes seem to be everytime a person talks to you (i.e. boss, NPC, creatures that get summoned in the middle of towns through quests)

If we lowered his health, he'd be just an enemy or a Krokotopia leveled boss.

Jan 27, 2009
cut scenes maybe but for the boss be realistic, 500 is like a kt boss

Jul 30, 2009
darthcoolness wrote:
Please add cut scenes to the entire game and lower tomagawa the evil's health down to 500 health points to make him easier for everyone including balance wizards in moo shu.

You're joking, right?

You do realize that the game gets harder as you advance in it? That this boss is a walk in the park compared to the bosses you'll be facing later on? As it is, KI has already dumbed down the bosses as is. They dumb them down anymore, might as well not even play the game. Just logging in to the game will give you automatic experience points if it's dumbed down anymore.

Games are supposed to be CHALLENGING. As it is, Tomagawa is a blow-over already. Tomagawa isn't that difficult to beat for any student, if they know how to set their decks up. Even my hubby who plays a Death wizard, didn't find him much of a challenge.