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Custom PvP

Dec 25, 2013
Hey all!

PvP is a integral part of Wiz that a lot of people can enjoy. But there are days where you might just want to chill out and not take things as seriously when it comes to pvp. Custom games in Wizard101 would be a great way for not only casuals to enjoy pvp more, but also for the hardcore pvp players who want a change of pace.

My idea for Custom Games would be another book in the Arena, here you can set the customs you'd like to put into your match. After choosing your settings and restrictions, your match will show up, where people can choose to join. If you are *looking* for a match, there will be a list of names. By the name will be the primary "Gamemode" (quick match, classic, turn based etc) and then the number of players needed. Hovering over the name will give you more information of the match, this would show the rest of the customs. Here is a example.
Noah Hawkbreath--Custom Quick Match----1v1

***Mouse Hover***

No TC, Unimited Pips, Double Attack.
This way you have everything available to you on one page, so you wouldn't have to worry about entering and leaving a page every time you wanted to know someones rule-sets.

Here are some "Customs" that I could see in Custom Matches
-Double Attack
-No TC
-Only TC
-Rank (insert rank) spells and below *only*
-Rank (insert rank) spells and above *only*
-No critical
-Always critical
-Double Health
-Ban X spell
-Unbanned Spells

And obviously there could be more, but these are just examples. Custom matches in wizard101 could have the more "casual" and pve side of players take more interest, even though it wouldn't be ranked. It would overall be fun and I could see many enjoying it. There could also be weekly tournies where the Devs choose a ruleset and the wizards have at it! One more thing is that you could set these rulesets in your Castle if you are in possession of a battle Circle.

Thanks for reading through! This is mainly a quick rundown since I didn't want to write an entire essay. Seeing this in wizard101 would mean so much, I'd love to see how players choose their customs, and how the Devs would incorporate it. Thanks again for reading through!

- Noah HawkBreath

Mar 19, 2009
I've always wanted this in houses that have personal dueling rings. On top of this, the ability to turn on/off certain spells, allow/disallow certain spells to be reshuffled, or remove certain features, such as critical or pierce.

Nov 22, 2008
They've talked about this sort of thing in streams, so I hope it's in the works, but I'm doubtful we'll see in in the next year, if only because they likely have the changes to PvP and PvE content planned at least to the end of next year.

I do HOPE we get it sooner, but I won't be holding my breath.